hope you don't mind chancing me

<p>I know there are a lot of chance threads, but I hope you don't mind if you judge my chances for admissions</p>

<p>Asian American
Parents are Doctors
SAT: 1300 and 1860 (680 reading 620 math 560 writing)
ACT: taking it this month, got a 29 on the last two practice ACT's
Rank: top 10%
GPA: 3.2-3.3 unweighted, 5.2 weighted (upward trend, hard to adapt to IB program. went from c's and b's freshman year to two A's all B's soph year then almost all A's junior year)
Courses: I am in the IB program, so the APs were limited. AP Euro, AP US Gov (took on my own), APUSH, AP Lang, AP French, AP Physics, plus all the IB courses
Essay: Our essays were a mandatory grade for our English class.I received a 46/50 on my essay. Our english teacher is very tough.
ECs: -Founded one of the largest clubs at school junior year. The club focused on freedom of expression through dance
-Member of Key Club, Lacrosse club, and officer of Ping Pong Club (no NHS)
-nationally ranked hockey goaltender, state finalist, 3x Tournament champion, starter, MVP, also was an assistant hockey coach for youth teams (9th grade)
-quit hockey due to grades, played high school tennis instead. 5th seed starter out of 10 players and 2nd seed doubles. Only player from my school to reach district finals. (10th grade)
- member of high school's inaugural lacrosse team. starting attackman, assumed captain role for fall season (11th and 12th grade)
-over 170 community service hours, created my own organization that helps the elderly in my neighborhood's area
-created a medical mission in the philippines where my father and I treated those with high blood pressure
-shadowed my father's medical establishment for experience</p>

<p>school: 1/3 IB schools in the county. Ranked 81st nationally. Known for its strong English program. </p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>*the service hours are over 200, sorry. I forgot to include my first 2 years.</p>

<p>Top 10% Rank
SAT 1300, Math and Verbal above 600
IB Diploma, Additional APs
Upward grade trend
Great ECs</p>

<p>You seem like a match/slight reach. Apply early action, if you can, to be sure considering some Cs on your record. With the high quality of applicants to Miami, and more applying next year, it is best to do all you can to give yourself an edge. It needs to be *postmarked * by November 1.</p>

<p>Thanks for reply. And yes, my application was submitted 2 weeks ago and they just received my transcripts last week. I applied for EA.</p>

<p>So, you’re looking for a pre-med major I assume? Acceptance probably depends on quality of the rest of the EA applicant pool. I hope you get in - you’re going to love the wellness center if you do!!

<p>Yeah I’m looking towards Pre-Medical. And thanks for the kind words, I hope I get in as well. I know since the ranking shot up everyone will be looking to apply to it; however, I also think the Nevin Shapiro scandal will turn away some candidates. Just have to wait now!</p>

<p>Got in with $11,000/year scholarship. Thanks everyone and I hope others can use this as a guideline for future application</p>