Hopeful Tech Engineering Student, chance me?

I’m from Northern Virginia, which I understand makes the whole process way more competitive, so here are my current stats
GPA: 3.8 Unweighted
4.3 Weighted

8th Grade Classes
Algebra 1: B
Spanish 1: B+

9th Grade Classes
Biology: A
English HN: B+
Spanish 2: A-
Geometry: A
World History HN: A-

10th Grade Classes
Spanish 3: B+
AP World: A-
English HN: A-
Algebra 2: A
Chemistry: A

11th Grade Classes
Precalc HN: A-
AP Psych: A
AP Lang: A-
AP Physics 1: A-
Computer Science: A
AP US History: A

Next Years Class List
AP Calc BC
AP Physics C
AP Lit
AP Comp Gov
AP Comp Sci
AP Bio (possibly, my take Philosophy for other reasons)

Super Score: 2050
Math: 690
Reading: 680
Writing: 680

Ive taken band classes all four years of high school, and Im going to be drumline captain next year. I am also in the top band at our school, which probably doesnt mean anything. Besides this I have a part time job, and that is it.

Thoughts? I know some math related grades are lower, as I only recently decided it was the college track I wanted to take. Should I boost my math SAT or is it good where it is?

Any help would be appreciated!

Your GPA is great and you have taken the types of courses VT wants to see for Engineering applicants (lots of Math, Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science). Your Math SAT score is okay for Engineering. You could try to boost your math score but if you have taken the SATs a couple of time already then it’s unlikely your score will improve much.

Take a look at the VT website for information on AP credit AND check the current requirements for sciences in your intended major. If you took AP Chemistry and scored a 4 or 5 on the AP exam you could get out of an entire year of chemistry. Your AP Physics I will not give you credit to an Engineering degree. It’s good to take AP Physics C but even with a score of 5 on the exam you won’t get more than one semester credit. If your major requires a full year of Physics then you face the issue of whether to accept the AP credit and start at VT in semester 2. Best case you use your AP classes to maximize your AP credit and get out of classes that you are not especially interested in taking at VT.

Hey, thank you for your help!

I took the SAT twice, and my math did get worse rather than improve, so I was thinking I’d take it one more time in September and hope for the best?

Also, in regards to AP courses I’ve mainly been trying to place out of any General classes that will not specifically help me in my major. Although I was interested in taking chemistry, many of my friends who have taken it tell me that the teacher in our particular school does not do a very good job on teaching to the AP exam, and the school average in grades and exam scores are quite low. Because of this and the rigor of my other classes on top of the AP Chem course, I decided not to bother, and am taking physics in order to have a good understanding of the subject when I go to (hopefully) Tech, and don’t expect to place out of Calc or Physics.

From VT’s common data set:

                      25th Percentile   75th Percentile     

SAT Critical Reading 540 640

SAT Math 570 680

SAT Writing 530 640

Percent of first-time, first-year (freshman) students with scores in each range:

SAT Critical Reading SAT Math SAT Writing
700-800 8% 19% 7%

600-699 39% 46% 38%
500-599 43% 31% 44%
400-499 8% 4% 11%
300-399 1% 0% 1%

200-299 0% 0% 0%

Totals should = 100% 100% 100% 100%

Here’s the link–



Choose college of engineering to get the admission stats specific for that major. The above is of all freshman, which is slightly lower than Engineering.