Hoping and praying i get rejected from HYP....to go to Dartmouth!

<p>^^ did you not read the thread? her EFC is ZERO!!! she doesnt have to pay anything, she gets full FA.</p>

<p>I like U of C. But i have ONLY visited during Winter. lol so I have seen it at it’s worst.</p>

<p>Secretly call the admissions office and beg for rejections. haha</p>

<p>I found this thread (after I decided Dartmouth is definitely my #1 choice) so that I could feel better about “denying” HYP by applying ED to Dartmouth…only to learn that the person who started this thread ended up at Princeton.</p>


<p>Great find xavier110! I am in the same boat as you. I know I have the stats and persona to get into HYP (so does 60% of the applicants), yet I KNOW Dartmouth is my #1 choice, and I will apply ED to the school.
It was a “LOL” moment for me, though, when I found out that OP went to Princeton ^_^</p>


To meet the minimum standards perhaps, but the number of very competitive students is most likely much less than 60% of applicants.</p>