Hoping for some chances in here

<p>White Male at a Private School in Virginia
GPA: 3.63UW/3.85W (Huge Upward trend throughout, had a bad freshman year but my grades rocketed up afterwards, am have taken a total of 9 APs and Honors courses)
SAT CR/M/W 670/680/610
ACT: 31 (Had a 35 in Math, 26 in English)
I am retaking the SAT again this Fall, and plan on taking the Math2 and Physics SAT2s. I also may retake the ACT</p>

<p>ECs: Debate Diocoise Public Forum Champion, Along with a bunch more awards , top ranked in District, District Treasurer
In flight training, should have solo and maybe PPC by end of senior eyar
200+ hours of volunteer service at local hospital
JETS 3rd place regional
NHS member
School Buglur and Trumpet Section Leader</p>

<p>I have taken a total of 9 AP and honors courses, and will be taking 4 more senior year (English, Physics, Government, Calculus)</p>

<p>My Current List:
William and Mary (Legacy, we give money)

<p>I have tried to get it safeties, matches, and reaches, but if someone could try ordering this for me I would be much obliged.</p>

<p>Thank you very much</p>

<p>In at UVA and William and Mary because you're in-state.</p>

<p>Reaches: UMichigan, Reed, Northwestern, UChicago
Matches/Safeties: Emory, Rice, Renssaeler, Wisconsin</p>

<p>Which private school do you go to?</p>

<p>UVA: Match
William and Mary: Match
Wisconsin-Madison: Safety to Match
Michigan-AA: Match to Slight Reach
Rensselaer: Safety to Match
Reed: Match to Slight Reach
Northwestern: Reach
UChicago: Reach
Emory: Match
Rice: Reach</p>

<p>Try to bring up your SAT writing score, get mostly A's, write solid essays/get good recs, and in my unprofessional opinion, you'll be accepted to most if not all of your desired colleges. Good luck</p>

<p>I go to Randolph-Macon</p>

<p>Should I put on another safety or does my list look good as it is?
Also, I think RPI to be a safety as I got the medal (forgot to mention that)</p>