<p>I'm at my last quarter in college, and as for where to go next, I feel stuck in a rut. I'm not sure if this is the right area to post this, but I don't even know where to go. I'm just hoping someone with some experience and wisdom could provide me with some advice.</p>
<p>This question has always mulled over in my head, yet I am never able to come to a conclusion. It seems as if I'm waiting for the perfect answer so that I could make all the right choices, but this keeps wrestling me back and forth (and nothing will be perfect anyway right?).</p>
<p>I've always been interested in drama and literature and thought I would grow up to be an actress. But with little confidence and support, I was afraid to. However, as of late, I signed up for some drama classes, took some video production courses, and went to some shootings as an extra. While I loved the experience of some of being in some of these situations, the thought of doing this my whole life absolutely depressed me. I couldn't see myself as a people person. I didn't like the kind of people (or at least the stereotypes) associated with this field. And the lack of monetary gain worried me. Also, I feel a bit arrogant when I feel I can go on stage and people have to watch me. All in all, I don't know if spending all those years pursuing acting will be worth it. However, I continue to express interest in reading and watching plays, and I yearn to write my own. I know I also love writing and reading, but I want real co-workers and a tangible office space. I keep wondering whether I shouldn't go back for graduate school for playwriting or dramatic literature. But I don't really like teaching, and I feel I don't really need to pay hefty money for something I can do once I free up some time. </p>
<p>On the other hand, I am starting to gain interest in informatics and library science, but particularly informatics. However, since I don't have the degree or experience, I don't know where I can go with this. Sometimes I worry whether I am just turning to this because I couldn't pursue my real dream of acting. Then again, when I think about acting, I don't really want to do it (which explains my actions of straying away from it, possibly). But informatics is a good field, I'm pretty sure it's much more stable than acting. But I just can't tell if I'm just turning to this as a last resort or because I feel forced to pick up something to move on with the next stage of my life. I would hate it if I spend all that time learning this just to find out that I regret it when I'm in my 40s. With my concerns, I feel unable to make my next choices. </p>
<p>Sorry for the dreadful length of this post, but I felt like it was necessary to express my full concerns. Thank you for reading and have a nice thanksgiving.</p>