Hoping to Transfer!

<p>A year ago, I was in the position of many students who found themselves denied from FSU. I could have sworn that I was going to get in and the thought of being denied never really crossed my mind. Well, I chose to attend the University of Alabama. It was great for my major and they actually gave me a tiny scholarship (nothing that really made a dent in finances). Well, here I am a year later and the economy is garbage and it is becoming more and more of a reality that I cannot stay at Bama my sophomore year. </p>

<p>Thank god for Florida Pre Paid :)</p>

<p>So now I'm hoping to be accepted as a transfer to FSU for this summer or next fall. I've loved my time at Bama and pulling for the Tide, but FSU is still always on my mind and I can't beat not having to pay anything. The drive will be a bit longer to go home to Atlanta but hey...why leave Tallahassee?</p>

<p>Wish me luck :)</p>

<p>I'm sure some of you posters remember me....nycollegedad, parents2noles haha</p>

<p>Good luck! :)</p>

<p>Sorry you have to leave Bama. I hope you make it into FSU. My daughter has a real good shot at a Full Ride to Bama. Can you tell me what you liked and disliked about Bama?</p>

<p>I am not a huge fan of all things “old south” and I thought that in this day in age, it would not be as prevalent at Bama. I have enjoyed my time there and I know the administration is trying their hardest to change things but I am 90% sure that it is not where I want to spend all 4 years when I have in-state tuition to UGA and FSU. Greek life is essentially all there is to do in Tuscaloosa. The strip is a fun place but the university owns it and has monopolized it and getting into a bar with a fake is near impossible. I feel as though it is a university where people who really liked to gossip in high school are able to continue to do so in college while being in a sorority or fraternity. Do not listen to anyone when they tell you that greek life is not as intense at Bama as people claim. The Beta Chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon at Bama was just closed down for a hazing incident. They made their pledges sit in a metal chair that had been heated up with irons. One pledge suffered 3rd degree burns and complications from an infection that included a collapsed lung, 106 degree fever, and seizure. Yet, this student did not even report Sig Ep for what they did but rather, it was discovered when he went to the local hospital for something unrelated. Now his father is trying to sue for the hospital releasing private information and they are trying to get the fraternity re-instated on campus. The issue with the state of Alabama…it is still run by old money old south men who would prefer to keep the “good ole’ boy system” in place. There are an extreme amount of dirty secrets at this school that you will never hear about. I have never heard of pledges outside of SEC Schools having to wear slacks and polo to class every day and a dress shirt, slacks, sport coat, and tie to all football games. It is absolutely absurd. If the Feds were to launch an investigation into Alabama, I highly doubt the greek system would continue to exist and I wonder if the university itself would not be taken under some sort of federal control. </p>

<p>I honestly think we need to reinstitute Reconstruction into Mississippi and Alabama. I laugh at how many people from these states, and from all over the south, try to claim they are the “real” America…yet they believe that all that really entails is fighting wars, drinking beer, and yelling “America! **** Yeah!”…all while proudly sporting the Confederate Flag at every chance they get…</p>


<p>It doesn’t seem you like it there at all. Thanks for the info.</p>

<p>Haha…I tried to not let my contempt for Alabama show that much but…it’s hard haha. I would say just take a visit and judge for yourself. To each his own right?</p>

<p>Just contacted FSU admissions and once again…I am screwed. Even though I pulled a 3.6 this semester at Alabama, they said I would still fall short because of high school. Pretty much looks like GA State or community college for me next year… yay…


<p>Word of advise: Be carefull what you say on public forums. It is clear that U of AL was not the right fit for YOU. Your experience of GREEK LIFE is from your perspective. Greek Life is not the right choice for many but it is also NOT the only way to enjoy your college experience. You obviously liked AL enough to start your freshman year even if it was a fallback to your first choice (FSU). </p>

<p>You also exposed a flaw in your moral character when you shared your frustration of not being able to use a fake ID to get into bars. Whether you drink or not, you still see nothing wrong with using a fake ID to get into establishments that are following rules. Rules are put in place for a reason even if you don’t like them. If you think everyone does it, what’s the harm? You are not looking at the big picture. </p>

<p>Plenty of articles have been written warning young adults and teens about public forums and social networking sites. Do you realize that many college admissions offices across the nation monitor these forums and can determine each of our identities with great accuracy? Wether you indended to or not, the admissions department at FSU can narrow down their applicant pool and figure out which transfer applicant you are. How many current (male)freshman attending the U of AL are seeking to transfer to FSU? Of those current applicants, how many were not offered admission last year? If I were on the review panel, regardless of grades, I can determine you are a complainer and have no regard for rules. Even more, I can conclude you will do anything it takes to break the rules (fake ID).
I can conclude you don’t respect authority when rules hinder your needs. </p>

<p>Let FSU have you, U of AL will have one less student that does not fit the ideal quality students every school seeks.</p>

<p>I am not really sure where to begin on this one. I will give it to you that yes, I have liked where I am at (for the most part) but there simply is nothing to do. I should have expressed that bar statement a bit better. There are almost no bars in this town and of the few that we have, there is no “college town” leniency. I personally do not think I have a bad moral character just because I would like to go out and have some fun in college.Why is there a strip of bars lined up in a college town in the first place? When rules hinder my “needs”? What am I an alcoholic or something? I am a college student…I am looking to have a little fun. When it comes to the whole greek life deal, I am not ripping on it as a whole…rather just at Alabama. If you even knew the awful amounts of racism openly committed by these fraternities and sororities and some of the terrible hazing stories, you would know. I know for a fact that greek life at FSU, and most other universities, is nothing like it is at Alabama. I was in no way trying to complain but rather, giving navarre1 my honest opinion and first hand experience of Alabama. </p>

<p>“U of AL will have one less student that does not fit the ideal quality students every school seeks.”
That’s right I forgot you actually know who I am. Let me tell you something…Alabama is not really seeking “quality” right now but rather, “quantity”. Alabama has been known for about two things in it’s history…Bear Bryant and George Wallace. Now that schools like UGA, UF, and FSU have risen in national stature, Alabama is playing catch up. Granted, there are some very bright students who attend Alabama on scholarship and what not but that is why many of them are there…scholarship. Bama is doing what UF did early on this decade. They are essentially “buying” NMFs to come to Alabama by offering them lucrative scholarship packages and housing arrangements. So while some quality students pass through Bama, this school is more interested in taking as many students as they can (specifically OOS) for revenue purposes and to bolster the attendance and standing of the university. So please ma’m…do not get on here and try and tell me that if I do not fit the “ideal quality” that every university seeks…you have no idea who I am. Lets not forget that I said I received a partial academic scholarship (not much) so obviously I had some qualities they were looking for. </p>

<p>If someone on here is going to be immature and make a mistake, let it be the kid in college. But by your name, your a mother with three kids…why don’t you act with that sense of maturity and not come on here and question my character and what kind of student I am.</p>

<p>Well, JD your diatribe on Alabama has exposed some immaturity, and I would not pin hopes on an FSU transfer. I am sorry but, if you were declined admission last year, you will have trouble transferring in Fall 2009 based on one good semester at UofA. You might be able to submit an application after a full year of grades are in, but your application will most likely not be even considered until summer with word coming barely in time to matriculate. And that is only if they are still accepting applications this summer. Besides, your description of Alabama has some stricking similarities to FSU. Not sure you will be happy at FSU, even if you can get an acceptance. Not sure you are ready for FSU, and not sure FSU is ready for you.</p>

<p>Sunnyflorida. I am wiling to listen to what you are saying. However, when I called admissions back today, they assumed I was looking to apply with simply one semester under my belt. I called back to check on a few things and stated that I was looking to apply with a FULL YEAR of courses completed plus summer courses in progress and they said that changed the whole dynamic of things. Transfer decisions are rolling. </p>

<p>I would just like to say that I have not meant to offend any of you and I whole heartedly apologize if that has happened. All I did was simply respond to navarre1, who asked for my opinion about my experience at Alabama. I will admit that my review was a bit harsh and that I should admit that I have had a lot of fun and made some great friends…there are still just many things to get used to. So, I sincerely apologize to anyone I offended on here for simply stating my opinion. Sunnyflorida I respect everything you are saying because even though you question my maturity and whether or not I should be admitted to FSU, you keep things civil. I wish I could say the same for two other posters on here who have decided to take what I said, post it on the Alabama forum, and make me look like a complete jackass. One of these posters, and god I hope this is not true, is speculated to work for FSU based on their user name. I really hope that is not the case.</p>

<p>I have shown all of you nothing but respect in all of the postings I have made on here since I joined over a year ago and I am offended at being jumped on for simply answering someone’s question. It would have been smarter for me to PM Navarre1 and I will admit to that but all of this has simply gotten out of hand. </p>

<p>I apologize for what I have said and those I have offended and I would hope those who realize they have said some rather hurtful and offensive things would have the maturity to do the same thing.</p>

<p>Isle and everyone else - Sorry to cause such a stir. I really wish people wouldn’t have attacked Isle for sharing his opinion to another student. Lets remember to be respectful on here. I’m not sure how it got started that I work for FSU, but I don’t. I’m the father of a freshmen that goes there but also live in Tallahassee. From hearing Isle’s experience and hearing him talk about himself, I bet he does get into FSU and will likely do very well here because it is something he wants and will work hard for when in school. I think it is pretty foolish to think that a little bit of partying, making mistakes, and learning about the world around you doesn’t go with college - I don’t think that or wanting to have fun makes anyone sub-par or flawed. Now, lets relax and let the poor kid enjoy his winter holiday.</p>

<p>It got started that you worked for FSU because you posted that you did here:

. Anyone who clicks on “previous posts by FSULEON” will read it, as did most of us when you posted it here on the FSU forum.</p>

<p>I assumed you were a student who had a part time job or work study at FSU, actually.</p>

<p>IsleofJD, would you care to elaborate on your comments in the second paragraph of your 12/14 post? It seems you are slurring the South in general (and Mississippi and Alabama especially), and I noted from your posts on the Alabama site that you evidently are not from a Southern family. Perhaps your attitude and conduct are on the same footing (albeit with a different bent) as those you seek to criticize at Alabama? Food for thought.</p>

<p>Razordad. I am not saying that the South is some terrible place but AL and MS are certainly a bit of a shock at times. That is really all there is to it. My biggest thing is that I try to be tolerant of all types of people but it is hard to be tolerant of people who still treat race as a huge issue. I am not saying that every I attend school with is like this but, it just seems to be played up a lot of times.One example…fraternities, minus two, are openly racist/prejudice. I have flat out had actives tell me they do not like to rush different races. I think for this day in age…that’s a bit sick and wrong. And for those of you who were wondering, that’s the contrast I was making to greek life at FSU. I have friends at FSU and know that their greek system is not exclusive to one race.</p>

<p>did you get admitted into fsu? if so, how well were was your gpa and can you give me any helpful hints? for i am a fresh-almost sophomore and i would like to know what i need in order to transfer into fsu from fau</p>