<p>So here's some background information: I only use Gmail and I seldom ever go on the myJHU website (lesson learned now.. I'm gonna start checking my Hopkins mail every other day).</p>
<p>Yesterday I found out that May 27th was the deadline for the housing application. The nice lady who replied my e-mails said to send in my app ASAP and so I'm gonna do that today. I'll probably still have a room under my head and a viable meal plan but I'm kind of nervous now that I'll be housed in any place that still has a spot - the less desired dorms.</p>
<p>I'm not too picky about singles or doubles, or even triples for that matter. The main thing troubling me is the location of the "less desired" dorms, safety and sanitation. Could a current Hopkins student or alum tell me a little bit about each of the buildings? Thanks :)</p>
<p>You’ll be fine. There are not “terrible” rooms in any of the buildings where freshmen live and housing assignments have clearly not gone out yet.</p>
<p>You can find YouTube video’s of all the buildings so just search for them there.</p>
<p>Hey, thanks for the help
I would search youtube but my current location may explain why that might be a problem, haha. I’ll try to google some photos of hopkins’ dorms instead but thanks again for the suggestion.</p>
<p>Actually take a look at the admitted site that they mention in their email or packet or whatever. This has everything you need to know.</p>
<p>You’re worrying too much. There are no “less desired” dorms at Johns Hopkins - every freshman would say that his dorm exceeds his original expectations. Even if you signed up for the badly reputed AMRs (because of no ACs), you will learn to live and love. I suppose that if you signed up for AMRs as your first priority, as compared to - say McCoy, which was your second choice - then you will more likely be placed in the AMRs since you submitted yours late and there are more spaces available there.</p>
<p>Haha, I actually did put AMR I and II as my first choice. I liked each dorm’s description but I guess first impressions really do make a huge difference…</p>
<p>Pani: They do have everything sent to the hopkins e-mails but I made the mistake of never going on it, haha.</p>
<p>Ha ha…same boat here. Well, at least I save money…</p>