<p>I want to be premed, and I've narrowed my choices down to Hopkins, Duke or Rice. Some factors that I am considering are overall academics, faculty, prestige, quality of student life, environment, how diverse and interesting the student population is, social scene and the premed atmosphere. I am a Hodson Trust Scholar at Hopkins and I don't have any special scholarship or status at Rice or Duke. Is there added prestige to going to a school where you have a selective merit scholarship?</p>
<p>I know that the college experience is only as good as you make it, but which school do you think has the most to offer? Any advice or opinions on any aspects of the schools?</p>
<p>You have to visit to truly experience it. If you got a Hodson, I would absolutely visit - it’s going to be about $120,000 cheaper over four years. That’s a whole lot of money especially since you want to be in the sciences and that’s what Hopkins is known for.</p>
<p>hopkins is way more prestigious than those other schools.
and you’re ■■■■■■■■ to reject the Hodston Trust scholarship. i would take that over admission to Harvard, son.</p>
<p>I agree-Hopkins for free is an incredible deal and a great school for premed.</p>
<p>Dude…Hopkins no doubt haha
especially if you wanna go premed!! It’s by far the best place 
VERY diverse lol
and that scholarship should have sealed the deal! hahaha just saying 
But seriously…go with you’re heart lol
You’ll do great things at any of those places!</p>
<p>Well my first choice used to be Duke, but then I switched it to Hopkins because I believe the research opportunities at Hopkins are simply UNBEATABLE.</p>
<p>I don’t know about you, but I didn’t base my decision on scholarships or costs. I based it on the schools themselves.</p>
<p>Rice was very tempting for me because I grew up in Houston and spent most of my life there and I know A LOT of people in that area and at that school (my dad is actually good friends with a lot of the pre-med professors there and that could have potentially been an advantage for me). Rice became my second choice (so, at this point, Duke became my third choice).</p>
<p>Hopkins remained my first choice because I seriously love the northeast and I’ve always wanted to live there and, like I said before, Hopkins has fantastic research opportunities.</p>
<p>Also, my acceptance into BME at JHU officially ended all negotiations, but you’re in a different boat.</p>
<p>All in all, the decision is up to you and I think you’ll have some sort of “gut feeling” as to where you should go… I would suggest that you choose Hopkins, but, obviously, I am biased. After all, this is the Hopkins board; one can expect that everyone will shout “Go to Hopkins, man!!”</p>
<p>^ Agreed! hahaha
except that money is a huge issue for me…that’s why I said it should be a big deal for you haha but that may not be the case of course! I couldn’t go somewhere that I simply couldn’t afford…obviously hahaha
Take in all the factors that are most important to you and you’ll make the right choice 
I’m definitely agreeing with the “GO HOPKINS!” bias But you can’t really go wrong with any of those schools haha
unless you get there and hate it for some odd reason…but as far as the schools themselves…they’re all great…you’ll get a wonderful education…and it’ll be awesome :)</p>
<p>Thanks guys! Obviously I had to make my decision months ago… I’ll be seeing you at Hopkins in August!</p>
<p>Fantastic!! And now that you mention it, it was extremely silly to sit here and tell you about choosing your school when you had already made your decision!! <em>smack forehead</em></p>
<p>I was so used to reading and responding to these threads, I completely forgot about the date factor. haha.</p>
<p>I’m glad to see that you made the right decision. ;)</p>
<p>ummmm “you would take that over Harvard”? If you get into Harvard you don’t have to pay anything if your family income is less than 60,000, think before you speak…</p>
<p>^IF your family income is below 60,000…think before you speak</p>