Hotchkiss or Choate

Graduation requirements are the same for those in signature programs.

Typically, afternoons spent in a signature program count the same as a sport. For instance, those in ARC have ARC as their winter sport equivalent.


Thank you. Do you have any comments on Choate’s college placement and advising?


My junior has just started the process. It’s been good so far, but we have a long way to go.

In general, it is a very collaborative process between the student, college counselor and parents. That said, the student is expected to take the lead, since it is also a process of self-reflection and discovery for the student.


@chemsider I’m a parent of a member of Hotchkiss’ class of '23. (Though it is her first year.) We’ve found the teachers to be not just caring, but observant, helpful, and challenging. Each written report and parent-teacher conference we had after the first semester was a gem. These teachers picked up on certain academic strengths and vulnerabilities after mere weeks and celebrated or addressed them. Her academic advisor and class dean have also been very caring.

They all rose to the challenge of the Covid year very well. It was a touch more officious and locked down than I would have liked but hey in the end their strategy worked and the kids seemed to understand the restrictions.

My daughter hasn’t taken an engineering course, but the chemistry and math courses have been highlights for her if that’s a useful proxy.

I know two kids at Choate, same year as my daughter. They both also very much enjoy their experience. From this very small, second-hand data set I’d echo vis-a-vis Choate the primary difference may just be the rural v. suburban setting. Since Choate is larger and more geographically integrated with the neighboring town perhaps it natural to be a touch less community oriented and more competitive. I’d also not be surprised if Hotchkiss were more “preppy” since that vibe does run strong.

Good luck in your decision which can’t go wrong.

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Definitely agreed. Choate is not cutthroat; we’re all in this misery together. We have group chats, study groups, et cetera, all focused on helping each other.


Awww, @CavsFan2003. You know it’s not misery. You’ll look back on this time with fondness for the rest of your life. Hang in there. You’ll have that diploma and be on your way to a great college before you know it. Keep us posted.


Definitely not misery :wink: but the pile of work gets tough sometimes. I don’t know what it’s like at Hotchkiss, but a lot of the stress is alleviated because of how great so many of my peers are.


Do you observe that admission/administration try to break that “preppy” or maybe snobby vibe about the HK student body?
Any bad experience about the “preppy” vibe?

Hotchkiss has lightened up on their dress code so the preppy vibe isn’t what it once was. So, yes, it is preppier than Choate on average but it’s arguable less preppy than a whole bunch of other schools often grouped with it. If preppy isn’t your thing, you will have plenty of company.


No bad experience mentioned by my daughter (who is not indifferent to clothes, but also not overly concerned nor brand-sensitive) nor I think anything realistically to break. There is a school dress code (as I’d bet there is at Choate) which naturally pushes things this way - maybe things are preppier from the “no logo” requirement (which can’t be entirely accurate since there are lots of college shirts). There are no boys in dirty t-shirts or girls in ripped jeans. See p 14 here:

Also to be specific, there’s been zero evidence to me of any snobbery. Ironically there was plenty of that in her previous public school from far less wealthy people.

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Hotchkiss does not have a “snobby vibe”. It, as I expect Choate is as well, is committed to diversity and inclusion and tolerance. Over the years, the school has made an effort to diminish the NYC/Greenwich wealthy WASP population and that group no longer is as prominent as it was, say, 20 years ago.

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Choate’s dress code is nearly nonexistent :wink:

In case that matters to a student. I go to class in sweats and t-shirts all the time. I know some parents want their kids to dress nice everyday, but I’m personally glad it’s not prioritized here.

We have a dress code, such as no shirts exposing midriff or no ripped jeans, but it really isn’t enacted much.



My nieces and nephew attended Choate, and were quite pleased with the college counselors. Two of them went on to a top 5 university (non-legacy), and the 3rd one to a top 20, all through ED applications. At the start of your junior year, you are expected to have a preliminary list of colleges, which you will kick off the discussions with your counselor. In most cases, they strongly urge you to apply ED to show your commitment and boost your chances. While it is still 3 years away, it is never too early to start planning.

It’s one of the best schools in the whole country, and arguably the whole world. Congrats and good luck!

We’re also facing that choice (plus a great private high school option). I just want to say to everyone that’s responded that this thread just shows how great both of the schools are. Everyone is rightfully talking about fit and being so supportive and respectful.

We’re leaning heavily towards Choate: it’s a great size, integrated into the town (vs. a bubble), and kids who like to balance working hard with playing hard. The signature programs are quite unique and academic/extracurriculars opportunities are dizzying.

We talked to a dozen kids and parents who described the community as welcoming, collaborative and kind. Choate encourages kids to be curious and explore.

As others have said, both of the schools are dynamite. Let us know if you decide on Choate – would be great to get some freshman virtually together before the start of school!


Just to add on the comparison of the locations of the schools from our family’s perspective. Hotchkiss often gets a “ in the middle of nowhere “ description. We visited Lakeville, and as compared to Choate’s nearby Wallingford neighborhood, we liked Lakeville town center that is about a mile from Hotchkiss more. This is coming from a family living in a big city. It doesn’t have Walmart as many consider as a pro of Wallingford but I think with Amazon/online shopping, not many students would prefer going to Walmart.


Agree with both, maybe we’ll see you in Lakeville/Salisbury this fall as our younger Kid has decided on Hotchkiss.


And for future readers of this thread, Hotchkiss students go* into the next town over, Millerton way more than Lakeville. The school runs a shuttle every half hour on Sundays and Headmaster Holidays. There are coffee shops, a renowned tea shop, a pizza place, CVS, gift shops, clothing stores, a great bookstore, a moviehouse, nail salons, hair salons etc etc – but no big box stores, thank god.

*not during COVID though


Hotchkiss is located in one of the most beautiful counties in New England. Rustic & rural, most consider this to be a positive feature of attending Hotchkiss.


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