Hotchkiss vs Andover


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I MHO I preferred Hotchkiss. Amazing food service with its own Instagram feed.

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Quite honestly the only reason I would choose Andover out of those two is because of the proximity to Boston. I care about my social life just as much as my academic life. Iā€™ve always wanted a place that would provide me with a good balance. Itā€™s not all about academics but about your well-being too. Andover is academically rigorous but I feel students may have more freedom to do as they wish (though I may be wrong). Hotchkiss is kind of secluded which if you were me wouldnā€™t be an environment you could thrive in.

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Thanks for the reply. That instagram feed sounds like something out of a college.

Thanks for that insight. Hotchkissā€™ location is actually preferable for me, as I have family in upstate NY, which is very close by.

First of all, I ENVY you! You are trying to decide between two schools that rejected me. Having said that, I can fully understand your ā€œpredicamentā€ albeit a happy one. I would have been just as ā€œtormented.ā€ These are some things you might consider:

  1. Size does matter.

My brother goes to a small boarding, and he is indispensible to multiple activities on campus: concert master, ensemble lead, point guard, varsity tennis, tour guide. He is a shy (but fun-loving) type who would rather follow (and have fun) than assume the burden of leading, but by the reality of school size, he was ā€œforcedā€ in a way to take up a much greater role than he had imagined before going there. To our surprise (perhaps to his as well), he seems to enjoy the experience. When he came home last holidays, I could not believe how confident he had become. (Sighā€¦ this school waitlisted me too.)

  1. Community does matter.

Of course, you are not just choosing a school but home as well. Much of your performance would depend on how much you like your teachers, classmates, dorm mates - in short, your happiness there. Have you talked to the students from both schools? Of course they will be all nice to you now because they want you to come, but you should try to read deeper. Are they just trying to be nice and thatā€™s it? Are they frank and caring, trying to help make the choice from your perspective? What do they dislike about their schools most? Are they happy? Do you like them?

  1. Donā€™t be distracted by what does not matter.

The gorgeous ice-hockey facilities matter only if you are a ice-hockey player. The fact that your uncle (like mine) is impressed more by one school brand name than another is unimportant. They are equally esteemed anyway, and make no difference in life any real way. I am only happy for you!


The academic rigor at PA cannot be overstated.

Which sports? And have you reached out to the coaches and prospective teammates at each school to get a ā€œvibeā€ of each team at both schools?

Workload can also depend on the studentā€™s abilities, the courses they take and pre-prep education. Also, are they coming in with solid academics in every area or do they need to fill in gaps. Remember most kids are all Aā€™s and SSAT average of about 90. Below this and there may be gaps. And everyone needs to fill in a gap or two.
I believe PEA has info in a report ( itā€™s not typically 4 hours for first years). Be aware that kids also have different ways of studying. Some are highly focused and some are not.
Homework time is a variable. I personally believe a very strong student taking the most rigorous classes at a top BS is closer to 2 hours as a first year. Does get closer to 4 hours in later years.
Also, differentiation occurs around second year. Some students continue to get top grades others will have a mix.
My pint is, donā€™t rely on one personā€™s assessment to judge how much work you will have. You will be stretched and have a lot ( sometimes more than you think you can do) but thatā€™s unlikely your first year.

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I hear what youā€™re saying, and Iā€™m sure social/unfocused time is factored into that. However, Iā€™ve spoken to two students at PEA and three at PA, and all five of them reported the same ā€˜four hourā€™ number. Iā€™m sure some kids do it in less, but I doubt two hours is the general rule.

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IME, 2.5 - 3 is more typical in 9th grade assuming a standard freshman course load.


To preface this, I am sure that you would have been an excellent member of either community, and that the schools would be lucky to have you attending. The truth about the admissions process is, there is a lot of luck involved, as well as factors beyond our control. As a first generation English immigrant with no legacy at any of these schools, I was worried that the sons, daughters, sisters and brothers of alumni would have advantages over me that I could not erase. Just remember, everyoneā€™s path is different, and I know that you will thrive wherever you go.

I am so glad that your brother thrived in such an environment! Size has been one of the main focuses of my research, and your input certainly provides a fresh perspective. The ā€œbig fish in a small pondā€ mentality was proven in your brotherā€™s experience, and that definitely forces me to think more about what kind of experience I desire.

I have talked to some students independently, and away from the watchful eyes of faculty Zoom participants. The Andover students seem to value personal relationships a lot, and school spirit less. Hotchkiss students definitely value school spirit, and while Iā€™m sure personal relationships are extremely valued, the H-kiss students did not bring them up as often as Andover students. I think that both student bodies are happy, but until you become a student, there is no way of knowing for sure. Obviously if you look on sites lie niche, these schools have about 200 ā€œ5 starā€ ranking, and about 5 ā€œ1 starā€ rankings. The prevalent topic in the low reviews is lack of free time, I ignore these, because it is obvious that the author just didnā€™t handle their time correctly.

I agree to the fullest extent. While the facilities in all sports are excellent, include the ones I play (Football,Baseball,Basketball), they do not dictate the school experience. Brand name is extremely overrated, not just in the boarding school world. but also university, fashion and pretty much everything you can buy nowadays. I have found that the older the school, the more respect its name carries. While Hotchkiss is 130 years old (if I remember correctly), Andover still has it by about 115 years, which obviously results in the disparity in recognition outside of the boarding school loop. Both are great options, and I agree that it is a ā€œnice problemā€ to have.

P.S I also received a few waitlists and I will admit they are so deflating. Which schools are you considering? Iā€™d love to hear more if you want to talk about it, thanks again for the reply!

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I think there was a small miscommunication in my second to last post, Iā€™ll quote myself here: ā€œAs my current school gives about 2 and a half hours of homework per night , and Iā€™m prepared to take on a substantially larger amount of it.ā€ So, my current school assigns about 2 and a half hours of homework a night, and while I do get a glass of water, or use the restroom, I am usually quite an efficient worker. I also spoke to 3 PA students, but only 1 at PEA. I agree, as the general number I was getting was between 3 and 4 hours. As @skieurope said, the workload will increase with time, but if a school accepts you, they are confident in your ability to complete the work they assign you.

I agree with your statements. While the majority of Andover and Hotchkiss students have SSAT percentiles between 90 and 99, I also know that there are different types of learners, as well as different types of scholars. Every student will have a different homework experience based on the variables you have listed, as well as extracurricular commitments and study environment. I applied to boarding school with expectation to be ā€œstretchedā€ and I canā€™t wait to join either of the academic communities.

From the comments you wrote, I feel like you decided to go to Hotchkiss, but you did not put a name for it yet.

Yes, I get it. My comment is basically, everyone thinks coming into BS that they will continue to be an A student and top 10%, but 90% are incorrect. BSā€™s offer spectacular academics. Some students need to grind it out (in the sense to taking lots of time). My oldest has friends who are up past 2-3 AM. Other kids figure out other ways. My oldest likes to sleep! Some kids have strength in some subjects and put more time into others. My kids are both top students and both were about the same stats wise. My youngest would spend hours and hours and hours on HW. Why? Perfectionist. The oldest is more of a hit it and come back if thereā€™s time.
IMO, you are going to work hard at either school. And itā€™s unlikely one is going to have substantially less work than the other. You are the student and you control the amount of work you do. I think what you are tapping into is that at some schools, there are more kids willing to do more hours of work. I think that showed up in the PEA report as well.
Youā€™ll be stretched at either school. Chose the better fit for you.


I feel a slight preference to Hotchkiss, and with my decision due 2 days, it is likely that I will enroll there. However, I started this thread to help with my decision, so while it may seem that I have made my decision, all I want is input.
Thanks for pointing this out, as looking back I see the comments you are referring to.
Have a great day!

no-brainer - Andover
how is that even a question :slight_smile:
unless itā€™s remote learningā€¦

Interesting. This is actually one of the first Andover based comments I have received.

I didnā€™t mean to imply that you canā€™t handle a more heavy hw load, just that it exists. Sorry if that came across wrong.

Just curious, why arenā€™t you considering PEA?

I didnā€™t think you were implying anything, I just wanted to clear up the ā€œ2 and a half hourā€ statement. Iā€™ll be candid here, I was waitlisted. But from the beginning I didnā€™t want to be in NH, and I also felt the general spirit there was a little deflated. Also, are you class of '25? It would be fun if we were in the same year at Andover (if I decide to enroll there).