<p>I Have Heard It Is 45,000. Is This True?</p>
<p>around that</p>
<p><em>Knock</em> <em>Knock</em>...Housekeeping</p>
<p>Does anyone know the order? I know engineering is highest...and then I think ILR is 2nd highest...</p>
<p>Means by responses to survey
ENG 50330<br>
ILR 40212<br>
Hotel 39686
A&S 36909
ALS 36432
HE 35259<br>
AAP 31384</p>
<p>As of 2004 Postgraduate Survey <a href="http://www.career.cornell.edu/downloads/PostGradSurveys/CCSPstGradRept04.pdf%5B/url%5D">http://www.career.cornell.edu/downloads/PostGradSurveys/CCSPstGradRept04.pdf</a></p>
<p>HotelschoolCornell, do you have the engineering breakdown by majors?</p>
<p>hm interesting stats, thanks</p>
<p>Here's the engineering salary breakdown thingy:</p>
<p>I'm glad i made the choice to attend ILR, starting salary after college was a big factor</p>
<p>Is there similar ILR data given in the way that the engineering data is given?</p>
<p>i looked couldn't find any, only this- <a href="http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/admissions/lifeafter.html%5B/url%5D">http://www.ilr.cornell.edu/admissions/lifeafter.html</a></p>
<p>Hmmm I wonder which field I'll end up in...</p>
<p>what about CAS breakdown?</p>
<p>keep in mind, just because starting salaries are high in some fields doesn't mean the rate of increase later on is high as well. some fields may start out low but increase very fast later on (esp those that require experience more than anything). </p>
<p>starting salary should not be a major deciding factor for what major you want to be in. hell...you have 40+ years of your life to work...gotta enjoy what you do man</p>
<p>true, but for people who have major loans they need a job that can pay them off. and you'll be a lot more happy with a job that pays than one that doesn't</p>
<p>Good point...like I heard that although engineering starts off high it doesn't increase very high/fast. And I'm really suprised architecture isn't up there...maybe that an increase thing as u get higher up in the field. I think ILR is pretty good with the whole increase thing. Just move higher in the business or law world and such it seems...</p>
<p>it's a widespread myth that architecture is a well paid career. only very very few people actually earn good money. architects follow their passion, not money or otherwise they wouldn't be in the field in the first place.</p>
<p>ya that is absolutely true</p>
<p>Haha what's that saying? "Never marry an architect or a computer engineer. They're already married to their jobs."</p>
<p>With all due respect to those two professions.</p>