Hotter chicks in UCI or UC Davis?

<p>Quick tell me which school has hotter girls. I got into both through ELC, and I only want to apply to one of them as a back up…hot girls is my criteria, no questions asked.</p>

<p>I’m an Indian male, and I prefer Asian (Chinese, Japanese…Filipino) chicks. White chicks are cool too. Actually, any chick is fine as long as they are hot.</p>

<p>Doesn’t matter, there’s enough hot girls at both campuses to torment you from afar.</p>

<p>Davis by far, depends on ur taste, but Davis is “hotter”</p>

<p>hot girls at campus does not = hooking up with hot girls at campus</p>

<p>there are a lot more asian girls at uci, aren’t there? so it sounds like op might like that better.</p>

<p>Are you serious? You must be ■■■■■■■■ if this is your deciding factor. If you’re seriously asking this question I doubt you will even get hot girls.</p>

<p>LOL. seriously? do people ■■■■■ on CC? </p>

<p>i agree with this: “hot girls at campus does not = hooking up with hot girls at campus”. well said.</p>

<p>seriously your stupid if girls are the deciding factor, i go to davis, so imma say davis is where its at, go check that both places out see what you like. dont decide based on what you heard about schools from other people</p>

<p>stay fresh</p>

<p>UCSD is where it’s at! Am I right?</p>

<p>Ha ha, sutoroberrii is right :). BUT, I know many Asians girls go to Davis. Your pick. ;)</p>

<p>hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahah this is ****in hilarious. alright ive been to davis many times, i actually sent my SIR there, but i got into irvine through appeal and now go to irvine.</p>

<p>if you want asian girls, go to irvine
but if you want hot girls, which is not as many asians but more white girls, go to davis</p>

<p>overall, davis has hotter girls</p>

<p>but id still go and visit both campuses and see how you like it lmao</p>

<p>IRVINE! not only are they hot but the dress better(since we are in the OC-fashion central) and are smart :)</p>

<p>edit: *they</p>

<p>from my experience UCD girls are way hotter. also people at uci dont neccessarily dress better. just more colorful.</p>

<p>Irvine has a larger demographic of sluttier-dressed asian girls with lots of makeup. Davis has a good amount of this type of girl but your encounters really depend on your social circle(s). Davis has a large abundant of fobby girls from the Bay Area.</p>

<p>I like that word “fobby”</p>

<p>Go to San Jose State or UC Santa Cruz (ie., Stay away from my daughter)</p>

<p>^^^ hah hella good!</p>

<p>I’m going to PUNCH you in the face if I ever see you!! GRAAHHH</p>

<p>■■■■, I haven’t gotten into any of the UCs I applied to yet.
UCI is my goal, and I will die from sadness if I don’t get in and I hate guys like you so go to Davis not UCI</p>


<p>^ hey, try not to worry too much. Irvine sends our admissions on a rolling basis. I know one girl from my school who was really scared she didn’t get in because she didn’t hear back from them, but then 2 days ago got notified she was accepted. Keep your hopes up!</p>

<p>“Go to San Jose State or UC Santa Cruz (ie., Stay away from my daughter)”
^ hahahaha</p>