<p>For the "hours per week" and "weeks per year" sections of ECs, do you put the current year's time? For example, what if for activity A you spend 10 hours a week senior year, but only 1 hour per week in the past (junior year, etc.)? The commonapp does not allow you to distingush which year it is.</p>
<p>Do the one that makes you look better.</p>
<p>State total hours from ninth grade on - unless Princeton - they don't care about ninth grade - so click on all years and indicate how many hours per year - it adds up. They will see through a huge amount of hours in one given year - be truthful. Hope this helps</p>
<p>i'm filling out the paper one, so i don't have access to the buttons and droplists</p>
<p>Hmm, I'm not sure in that situation. I would try to write in a specification for the year under 'description'. (ex. Activity A, Senior year - 10hrs/wk 40wks/yr)</p>
<p>To reiterate what the person above says, do whichever puts you in a better light. However, my suggestion would be to just do it online. It tends to be much more simple that way.</p>
<p>Estimate an average. In the case of 1 hours/week every year until 10 hours/week senior year, I'd do something like 13/4 = 3-4 hours/week.</p>