<p>I looooove that show. It's awesome. Any other House lovers? :)</p>
<p>LOVE IT! Lol. I was thinking about making a thread for House. I’m currently watching it on my tv right now.</p>
<p>My whole family are House fans!</p>
<p>I love House but since I’ve started recording all the episodes on TV I’ve seen them all so it’s losing its appeal.</p>
<p>Loved it prior to the last two seasons-the same goes for Grey’s Anatomy. The writer’s strike/cast changes screwed up those shows…</p>
<p>I love it. This last season hasn’t been my favorite though.</p>
<p>Great show!!!</p>
<p>I love it. I missed the last few episodes, though. Damn work.</p>
<p>love it!!!</p>
<p>I like it – I watch the new episodes on hulu whenever they come out. </p>
<p>@Monoclide - [Hulu</a> - House](<a href=“http://www.hulu.com/house]Hulu”>Watch House Streaming Online | Hulu (Free Trial)) Epi. 8 expires in 1 day ;o You should watch it while it’s still up ;]</p>
<p>The show’s really formulaic though and bores me if I watch it for too long, so I tend to break it up into easily digestible 15 minute chunks. I think I’ve seen all of the episodes now, too, so all I have to do is continue huluing the new ones.</p>
<p>i love it!!!</p>
<p>neither? ive watched it on tv on 3 diff occasions and every time the same episode is playing. im confused by this, but maybe i just have weird timing. i dont get why people are so in love with it though, can someone explain?
i thought it was funny that one of my friends was watching all of seasons back to back and commented to me “theyre really ****ty doctors. like, if you watch it once a week, you dont notice as much, but back to back, they screw up a lot”</p>
<p>A thumbs up from me as well.</p>
<p>Wow, I guess I’ve been missing something. Maybe I should check it out.</p>
<p>love it…asked for seasons 1-4 for xmas</p>
<p>I <3 house… DUUUUUUUDE 13 and )#$@#)$@… WOOOOOOOW WHO EXPECTED THAT???</p>
<p>i love house</p>
<p>Yay! I’m glad nobody else has expressed this, I’d like to be the first to say:</p>
<p>HOUSE IS NOT A GOOD SHOW. His humor is… old. Okay, we get it, you’re a genius doctor who thinks it’s witty to joke around in fatal situations. Whoop-dee.</p>
<p>Well, that’s quite a gross generalization. Have you even seen the show or just read the TV Guide summary ?
Also, I’d be interested to see what you do find funny.</p>
<p>Favorite episodes anyone? </p>
<p>Euphoria or All In for me (season 2 is the best)</p>