<p>I know only accepted EDers will only be able to answer this question, but I was just wondering what you guys were thinking about as far as dorm preferences go?</p>
<p>I haven't received my official acceptance packet in the mail yet, so I'm not sure what the exact procedure for listing your housing preferences is, but I assume it's either online or some form you mail back to them.</p>
<p>Any initial thoughts?</p>
<p>I'm slightly confused as to what it means to live in a non-themed residential college...</p>
<p>Since I’m not really a party person, and I’m doing engineering… I’ll probably list Ayers (CCI) as my first choice since it seems like it has a good/ friendly community while not being too obnoxious. Then maybe Sargent, Shepard, then Allison after that. I looked into Slivka since it was engineering themed, but the general antisocial stigma, coupled with the fact that you can’t leave your door open in the suites because it’s a fire hazard, was definitely a turn off for having some kind of social life.</p>
<p>Yes… I have this all scouted out… it’s kind of sad. But really, I’m ok with it.</p>
<p>I would definately not live in Bob, on the North side of campus… It’s known for being the party dorm pretty much all night. I need somewhere quiet to sleep lol. Elder is the all-freshmen/ athlete dorm. It’s not the nicest dorm, but I want to be near my WCAS classes, the gym and I’ll probably be living on the South side sophomore year anyways…</p>
<p>I’ve heard Sargent is nice as well… Lol, it’s cool, me too. I’m probably going to try and find a roommate via the facebook group and get everything squared away. Can’t believe this is happening!</p>
<p>^ I know exactly what you mean. It feels like just yesterday I was on this site freaking out about when the decisions were coming out. The whole idea that my college search is done is still sinking in… It’s also crazy to know that there’s a chance I’ll be able to meet all of the CC people in the coming months :)</p>
<p>Anybody heard anything about the communications residential college? From what I can gather it has small rooms and a tightly knit community. However I’m wondering if you are a part of a smaller themed res college if you’re isolating yourself from meeting people with different interests…</p>
<p>soundguy- I looked into the communication residential college and have heard mixed reviews. those within it seemed to really really like it, but those not in it encouraged me not to live there because it does naturally tend to keep you mostly within communication majors (but for me its really important to be in a big dorm, i’m cool with being up most the night, and i love big groups… haha so its all what your looking for)</p>
<p>also, if your into smaller dorms, one of my friends who graduated from SoC said she liked chapin, I didn’t really look into much though, but i’ve heard its good</p>
<p>so i’m especially looking into willard and allison. i haven’t gotten my packet yet (yay for being out west) so any word on how soon we can apply for housing? i hear its not until like may</p>
<p>I haven’t received my information in the mail yet, so I’m not too sure about what to do about housing. Does anyone have any advice on what would work well for a Medill student?</p>
<p>I’m with e2226, I want to live in a big dorm that’s very social, just not chaotic all night lol. </p>
<p>@ mp- it depends on what scenario you want, do you want to live where its very quiet but maybe not that social, or do you work well in busy settings?</p>
<p>P.S. Sargent is one of the buildings planned to be torn down over the next 10-15 years probably, so they’re doing VERY minimal renovation there. A.k.a. it definitely doesn’t have the nicest rooms (although having a superb dining hall downstairs is definitely nice).</p>
<p>Elder has brand new loftable furniture, which is pretty cool. Shepard just went over a complete overhaul and has great facilities (and a really cool atmosphere for the kid who doesn’t want to party every night of the week).</p>
<p>Willard and Elder are both pretty cool places that allow lots of people to find their own niche, but both are on the outskirts of campus (Elder north, and Willard south). Be prepared to walk 10-15 mins minimum to ANY class from either of those two buildings.</p>
<p>if you have questions about residences, feel free to email me. i’ve been a CA, a head CA, and i’ve lived on campus all four years, switching between north and south every year, so I’m pretty intimately familiar with most buildings. You, however, have about 7 months to decide what to put on your housing pref sheet, so I wouldn’t worry too much.</p>
<p>Heads up about Willard~although it will take you 10-15 minutes to get to class on North Campus, you can easily stroll to class in 5-6 minutes if you’re going someplace like Kresge or University Hall. A little longer if you’re going to the Library or Fisk, (Harris you can get to in 3 if you run, but it’s going to be closed for renovation, so that won’t concern you for about 18 months) but honestly, the distance isn’t hard to cover at all. -lives there and loves it-</p>
<p>bank- I guess I’d probably go for somewhere fairly social but where I can still get a sense of privacy and be able to do my own thing. I’m looking at South campus because it seems most of my classes will be around there, and I do want to be close to Evanston and everything.</p>
<p>Could anyone share information about 1835 Hinman?</p>
<p>I’m with you on the social part, but we contrast in that most of my classes will be North… I’m a little biased, but I liked Allison when I visited.</p>
<p>I went to CTD for two years back in 2001 and 2003, and was always jealous of the people who got to stay in Allison. Haha. I think my top choices will be 1835 Hinman and Allison, but I haven’t really heard much about Hinman anywhere. Have you?</p>
<p>I’m a freshman living in 1835 Hinman. I love it. There’s a mix of people, you’ll find some really social people as well as those who rarely stop studying. Having a dining hall in the building is so convenient. It was my 3rd or 4th choice, but I’m glad I ended up in Hinman</p>
<p>Hey Soundguy2009, congrats on getting in! Looks like there’ll be at least two Daytonians at NU next fall. =)</p>
<p>I was also looking into CRC. It seems that there’s a good mix of people there and they say there’s a lot of fun and quirky people too. It’ll probably be my first choice because it’ll be close to my classes, and a bunch of fun and quirky people are just who I want as my dorm mates. =)</p>