<p>hey guys! so i got in (yay!)... and im so excited that i want to register for housing immediately! i've been to the campus a lot, but i really don't have any idea what are good halls. im female and i want to live in a coed dorm. i want to be social (i like people), but i also want to sleep at some point. i love food... and being near a dining hall would be a major plus. i'm also going into pre-business/management. any advice? thanks guys!</p>
<p>Hey y’all,</p>
<p>Check out <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-georgia/124263-housing.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/university-georgia/124263-housing.html</a></p>
<p>for a full discussion of housing. Pretty much all the info. remains the same, but if you have any additional questions feel free to ask.</p>
<p>Look carefully at the Myers community-central location, close to two dining halls, and less rowdy than the hih rises, I’m told. Reed Hall has great accomodations, I’m told, but is a hike from the food, although closer to business classes on north campus. Have fun!</p>
<p>If you want to have fun, from what Ive heard, do a high rise.</p>
<p>If you’re looking for a luxurious dorm, those would be O-House and Reed. However, I’d suggest you pick a Freshmen dorm, such as Creswell or Russell. I’d recommend Creswell over any other dorm; this is also the dorm I currently live in. Although the rooms are small, I don’t mind it because I’ve met a lot of great people; my hall is filled with awesome people from various backgrounds and interests. Creswell is also right next to Bolton and a short walk to O-House dining. To Snelling Dining Commons, Creswell is about 10-15 minutes away (walking distance) which my friends and I often do at midnight. Also, I strongly suggest to not choose 8 AM courses!!! Last year before starting college, I figured I wouldn’t mind 8 AM courses! I absolutely hated it! Do not make the same mistake as me. The ideal time to have classes is between 10 AM to 2 PM. Good luck!</p>