Housing after freshman year? Also WPI vs CWRU thoughts

My DS was accepted and is trying to decide between WPI and CWRU. One concern I have is hearing that it may be difficult to get housing after freshman year. I’ve read on one page that housing off campus can start to book up by October. I would love and thoughts about how housing has gone, pros and cons at WPI.

Also any thoughts about WPI vs Case Western for school would be appreciated!

My kid graduated from WPI last spring. Housing was not an issue, lived in a studio double apartment second year (campus housing) and third year lived in an off campus apartment near price chopper with 3 other students. Low cost for off campus housing and he cooked for himself so no board.
Happy with WPI overall, quarter system is good for kids with ADHD who struggle to sustain effort over 16 week semester but the courses move very fast.


CWRU has a 2 year on campus requirement.

My DD is a current freshman at WPI. She loves the on campus living this year, and could have chosen from many different options on campus for next year. However, she decided to move to a very close off campus apartment with 2 of her friends. There are many to choose from within a 5 min walk to campus. They do start posting the ones becoming available (for the following year) early in the school year on a site called Jump Off Campus or just word of mouth through upperclassmen, but many will also become available throughout the year. My DD didn’t hear about this one until January/ February. As for WPI itself, she loves it! The terms are perfect for her. She specifically said recently she can’t imagine taking some of these classes in a typical 16 week semester. The pace isn’t for everyone and the first term is a huge lesson in organization and planning to make sure you stay on top of assignments, but I think that’s why WPI grads are sought after - they learn how to prioritize much better. Can’t procrastinate :slight_smile: The community at WPI is also amazing - very supportive and seems to be non-competitive. Good luck to your son and his decision!


My youngest is probably going to commit to WPI and my middle son is at CWRU. Very different schools . . . what is your DS focused on? CWRU benefits from its close work with the medical community. My son is in engineering and a lot of the research has a medical connection (MRIs, etc.), but not all.