Housing assignments are on the portal!

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Anyone else else have a misassigned roommate? Son and friend requested each other, but both got assigned elsewhere. Son is reaching out to housing, just wondering if this is an isolated case.

I heard that happened to someone else too, but they requested late. Hope it works out.

I’ll share a little more, because at some level it’s almost humorous.

Son and Friend selected each other as roommates in the engineering village. Son and Friend both get accepted to the village. Sounds like everything is under control. Son gets his housing notice and has been assigned Kid1 as roommate. Friend gets his housing notice and has been assigned Kid2 as roommate. Son contacts Kid1 and finds out that Kid1 had requested Kid3 as a roommate. Kid1 just as confused as Son. As luck would have it, Kid3 was at orientation this week and stopped by the housing office to see whats going on. Kid3 has no roommate assigned.

Stay tuned. This will either improve or get funnier.

@DecideSomeHow orientation for Engineering? For some reason I thought the first session was the 2nd week of July. Geeze :frowning: hope DS doesn’t have any trouble getting his last two classes in July. He has to wait until then to schedule his English 101 and…I think it’s E 115 (the computers one). He has his room assignment, but no roommate as of yet.

Don’t think it was engineering. And that’s what makes this whole thing more odd.

@DecideSomeHow oh, my! I hope they get it worked out. At least they know they already have friends in the building, even if they don’t get into the right rooms.

Does anyone know whether NCSU assigns a time slot & day for moving in? Or do you just go anytime during the 2 or 3 move-in days listed on the Fall Move-In web page??

To add to ncmomofthree’s question…do parents just drop kids, unload and leave? Spend the day helping to set up? Turn into a blubbering mess and get carted off by security?..

It’s pretty much show up and move in. There is no real structure to move in other than parking. Helpers are available for most, but not all of move in, if that is something you need.




never seen it, but I suppose it could happen.

LOL thank you. My oldest was assigned an exact time & day (at UNC-Charlotte) so I was expecting that. I’ll be one of those blubbering messes but also so excited for my DD! Good to know security can lead me off campus if needed =D

@DecideSomeHow thank-you! Good to know that there are parents that spend the day/time helping to set up…if any parent were going to be carted off by security, I would likely be the first! The son will be fine either way, very independent. If I can help take what looks a bit like a jail cell to me and help cozy it up a little bit before leaving…if for no other reason to have a better visual to remember… I think it will help “me” in the following months. Our one and only and my life has been that of a stay at home wife and mother, the past 18 years. I don’t envy my husband, as I go through this transition! LOL :frowning:

Well, the mixed up roommate situation has been resolved. Or at least for son and friend. When I asked son about kids 1 thru 3, I got the classic 18 year old response- “I dunno, but my room is right now”

No explanation given by housing, and honestly I was not expecting one. All is well.

@DecideSomeHow Great to hear!