Housing Assignments

<p>My son (out-of-state) got Sellery ... is that any good? (It wasn't one of his first few choices.)</p>

<p>My daughter (out of state) got Witte and it was her third choice so she is happy.</p>

<p>i got some weirdo letter saying that they hadn't placed me anywhre yet but that during my soar session i should go with the chadbourne hall community cause i will most likely be in the South East neighborhood. anyone else get anything like this?</p>

<p>The dorms are full- they will be using "expanded housing" and you got the unlucky computer assignment ranking. They use dens etc. as temporary rooms until some people drop out, or don't even start. They will have an opening for you, but they won't know which dorm yet or when space will first be available. The good news is if you get a nonroom- but with a lock and all the usual furniture, you and your fellow temporary roomate(s) pay less. Do go on the room tour- you will get information that will be useful regardless of which dorm you end up in. Full dorms are nothing new- eons ago it was the same, it all works out eventually. Don't worry. The info about temporary housing is somewhere in an online dorm brochure.</p>

<p>Regarding Sellery - one of the Southeast dorms, close to the SERF- recreational facility, State St. Every dorm has its pros and cons so your son should enjoy it as much as he would any other dorm. The people make the place, he will meet just as many good ones as in any other dorm. The food service is the same, plus he can eat in any of the Res Halls places. Attitude can make or break the experience. I'm sure he will run into other students who did not get a top choice; a few dorms are high on everyone's list so everyone can't get their top choice. No matter which dorm a person is in they are still part of the same great campus. Plus, despite the variety of dorms most doubles are around the same size, with the same furniture, hall bathrooms, etc ( the two newest dorms are the exception).</p>

<p>I got Bradley Learning Center. It was my fourth choice, and I'm pretty happy with it.</p>

<p>wis75, what if anything do you think of these "University House" private dorms? We keep getting solicitations about them. They seem nice in the brochure (of course).</p>

<p>I got Smith.</p>

<p>i got chadbourne.. which i'm pretty excited about.. it's the best location, in my opinion, on campus</p>

<p>I'm completely psyched, I got Liz Waters. I'm thinking it's a sign I was meant to go there.</p>

<p>I think Chad and Liz are great. Congrats on your good luck.</p>

<p>Personal opinion asked for and therefore given. On campus, public dorms with excellent food service, high speed internet/local phone/cable tv- why pay more to live further? Res Halls has many public areas and free dryers, too. I think it's nice, for freshmen especially, to live on campus and associate with tons of fellow students. Some OOS students, mainly from the east coast I believe, continue the mythology that they are not welcome or can't get into the regular dorms (Res Halls) - not true. The private dorms have existed since at least my day, now they advertise to try to take students from the competition- if they were perceived to be better by students they would fill and students would "settle" for the public dorms; Res Halls is always filled...</p>

<p>My mother and my son have lived in Liz- I wouldn't, because it was always women only, isolated from the guys dorms and coed food service (the first coed dorms were in fall of '72, Liz finally went coed in fall of '06. Cole was one of the first to become coed, last year it became women only. Signs of the times- downsizing the available women only dorm) despite anyone allowed to eat anywhere. Today I would definitely choose Liz- but all the dorms have special characteristics; so don't be too disappointed in the one you get.</p>

<p>i got chad</p>

<p>so i got slitcher... what is it like?</p>

<p>Smaller and down by the lake--nice but older.</p>

<p>hmmm... thanks!</p>

<p>I like Slichter alot. one of my friends was in it last year and the room set up is cool--beds are like foot to foot so you have your own private space sorta under the bed for your desk and sitting area and whatever. you'll like it.</p>

<p>dude, that sucks, i am in temporary housing, when the hell will i get a real room?</p>

<p>I liked Slichter enough to choose it for two years (that was eons ago, a lot changes, but the basics remain the same), a nice layout and close to the carryout/convenience place; I hope you enjoy it. </p>

<p>Cricket...- have some patience. Remember my previous post- you will have a room, but you have to wait for people to tell Res Halls they aren't coming. Do get all the usual needed stuff, you will be in a dorm in late August. The details aren't known, but you will be as much a part of campus as everybody else; relax and enjoy the summer.</p>

<p>Thoughts on Adams Hall?</p>

<p>Well, I got Friedrick, is it convinent to get around campus from there? I'm not sure if it's a bit too west:/</p>