Housing Assignments

<p>Nash 911,
I sent my housing application way before April 29th. and still got my last choice. Although I do always have horrible luck (I've kinda just got to laugh about it:))
My choices were:
top 3:
Last 3:
Windsor (which I'm in)
My boyfriend sent his application in sometime in April...he got Young hall which was his fourth to last choice.
his top 3:
last 3:
Purdue Village
Good luck with everything! Let us know when you find out where you are?

<p>thanx for the input....
Oh yea bye the way i got my housing assignment...
It reads that they are going to accoodate me in SHREVE... YUKS</p>

<p>HE HE... oh yea bye the way the above statements r not true so dont go kill yourself... My assignment will still take some time...</p>

<p>I have experienced Purdue Residence Halls for two years and my boyfriend is an RA. You will easily be able to have him over in Windsor as long as you have an understanding roommate. Both years in the dorms I was able to have my boyfriend stay the night or I would stay at his place just about every night and there was no problem. Just don't have him out of your room after guest hours and if you do just be smart...we were never caught. Let me know what room your boyfriend is in when you find out, Young is the hall where my boyfriend is an RA. It really is a great place to live, there are mostly single rooms, all rooms are air conditioned, and it is in much better condition than the other halls. It really isn't going to be as bad as what you think.</p>

<p>Thanks for the info. I was pretty jealous of my boyfriend when he got his assignment. Before I found out Young was all male it had been my first choice. Some singles, private baths and air conditioning...sounds good to me. I found out that I have a single in Windsor so that will make the adjustment a little easier. I'm just still trying to get use to the idea of not having a nice apartment and a full time job to pay for what I need. It's been over a year and a half since high school so the idea of going back to school is still a little wierd to think about.
Are you living in the dorms again this year. If so, where?<br>
I'll definatly let you know what room my boyfriend gets in Young. Are there really more singles than doubles in that dorm? I know he is paying a lot less for his dorm than I am mine so I figured he probably has a double.

<p>Yes there are a lot of singles. It might be about the same singles vs. doubles or a few more singles. I know with the other dorms you are paying more because of the location. Young doesn't have a dining hall and is far from the other dining halls. Being in the dorms is great especially since you have a single, you really don't have to worry about anything and can come and go as you please. Not too different from having your own place, you just don't have all the bills and shopping. I dorm food is pretty good too. I would suggest going to Earhart or Stadium, I think the new dining hall in Windsor is going to be good too.</p>

<p>I have an apartment close to Young. Apartments are just a bit cheaper or about the same just depends on where you live. When I was in the dorms, I lived in Earhart and Shreve. I definitely enjoyed Shreve more, the rooms are air conditioned and they are bigger not to mention that the people there were more layed back than in Earhart. Some Windsor rooms are pretty small, but since you have a single I wouldn't worry about it. I think you will enjoy the dorms more than you think.</p>

<p>Thanks again squirrelly!
I see what you mean about location of young verses the other dorms. I do think it bothers my boyfriend a bit how far he is from the other dorms and residence halls, especially seeing as he was the one of the two of us who really thought it would be important to be in the dorms the first year. I don't think he thinks Young as going to be as much fun and I know he'll be less likely to eat as often because of the distance. Do you know of anyone else who has had a single. I just still can't believe the price of my room. (it's $7,916 w/ 15mp) When I looked online the prices for Windsor were the cheapest. Also, do you know if Windsor is well kept up? I know they are going to be doing some renovations next year...do you know if they've renovated it before? I won't get to see it before I move in and I'm very curious about it.</p>

<p>I don't know anyone who has a single in Windsor. My current roommate lived in Windsor our freshman year and her double room is now a single I believe. I know they have been doing work on Windsor for the past year or two, but I don't really know what they are doing to the rooms, just the new dining hall. The rooms aren't in bad condition at all, at least at the last time I was in one. I promise your boyfriend will have a good time in Young. Since it is so close to campus, it is a lot easier to go and do things and a lot closer to classes. It's also close to Chauncey so there are a lot of places to eat and hang out. There are busses that go everywhere too so there wouldn't be any problem to get to the dining halls to eat. I would suggest, if they would let him, to get a black/gold meal plan so he can use is boiler express to eat at the union. That way he won't have to rely on just eating at the dining halls but if he can’t, there is always the meals to go that he could use his points for so he could keep food at his place. I was really apprehensive about living in the dorms, especially my sophomore year, but it really turned out a lot better than I thought it would have. If your boyfriend is on my boyfriend’s floor, I can personally assure you that he will have fun.</p>

<p>Are you not coming to day on campus? If you do, you usually get to see your room, or one like it. If you haven’t planned on coming to day on campus, I would think about doing it if you can just so you can see everything before you move in. Also, are you two going to Boiler Gold Rush?</p>

<p>Neither of us are going to boiler gold rush or day on campus. We were there in May to register. I'm considered a transfer so my advisor had us come then so we would be able to get in the classes we need before all the freshmen registered. I would really like to see my room ahead of time just to give me an idea on what to bring but its just not going to happen. Hopefully when they make the room assignment I can call and ask about the room size. Thanks for your help. I'll definatly let my boyfriend know what you had to say.</p>

<p>minabruuke, does this link help? <a href="http://www.housing.purdue.edu/HTML/HousingChoices/Windsor.htm%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.housing.purdue.edu/HTML/HousingChoices/Windsor.htm&lt;/a> YOu can click on "layout" and see a single.</p>

<p>I've seen the site but the rooms in Winsdor vary quite a bit. This is mostly because the design and shape of the buildings (and the fact that there are 5 different buildings that I could end up with). I'm going to plan on my room being about the size listed on the site and if its not oh well. Thanks for suggesting the link Mominin...seeing something is definatly better than having no idea what to expect. Thanks!</p>

<p>Anyone else recieve their room assignment? I got mine today, a little earlier than expected. By the way Squirrely my boyfriends in room 1056 in young hall...he has a double room, what floor is your boyfriend an RA on?</p>

<p>My son got his yesterday. He will be in Earhart. Seeing his roommate's name and his room number makes this all seem more "real".</p>

<p>I got mine today. Earhart 336. My roommate is awesome too... This is going to be a fun year : )</p>

<p>I wish my son would contact his roommate, he's being shy about it. At least <em>I</em> think he's being shy. I'm real excited about it and am hoping maybe the roommate will contact son :)</p>

<p>I'm in earhart 454. I'm kinda shy, and am a little scared to call my roommate, but my mom will probably bug me. maybe i'll just start off with e-mail.</p>

<p>My S never got his roommate info, only his dorm assignment. Should I call them? I thought they weren't being sent out until July 15th.</p>

<p>OK, he got his roommate today. They're in Earhart, 5th floor.</p>

<p>Glad to hear, I was going to suggest maybe he was put in a single.</p>

<p>Wiley Hall 338a, sounds like a party</p>

<p>minabruuke: My boyfriend is going to be on the second floor. The tenth floor isn't bad at all, just beware of the elevators they like to stop working, or did. I think they did work on them over the summer, so hopefully they will be better. I actually got stuck in one for about 30 mins last semester. I know one of the RAs on the tenth floor will be David and I don't know who the other one will be; I believe the other one is one of the new hires. David is a little out there sometimes, but he is a good guy and is pretty laidback. I think your boyfriend will enjoy being at Young.</p>