Housing at Alabama quandary

@bulldog25 My D found a roommate on the housing site, but has started looking at the facebook page as well. There’s apparently lots of activity on the facebook site, and she’s enjoying getting an idea of what her future classmates are like! She’s coming from OOS, so any early potential friendships are good, in my opinion. I think my D felt more comfortable trying through the housing site first, just to have the base survey to start from. There are a few mentions of parents trying to find roommates for their kids on some of the parent facebook pages as well. I guess some of the kids don’t check their email often! There’s a lot of time to find someone, and some of the kids will change their minds before sign up. My D’s potential roommate is waiting on one other college’s scholarship package to finalize her decision, so D may be starting over at some point. Good luck!

My daughter found her roommates on the housing site. It’s possible that I had already found their mothers on here, though. :wink:

We are really nervous for honors housing as we didn’t put our deposit in until about 1 week ago (end of Feb). My D is trying the housing site and UA 2021 Facebook page in hopes of a match that can “pull her in” to Ridgecrest. Anyone have any other suggestions? @“beth’s mom” How did you find other mothers on CC? Is there a thread?

@geauxsanders my dd found some girls on the facebook page…you may want to join the parents class of 2021 page on facebook, I have noticed that many moms have posted info about their kids who are looking for roommates.

Thank you @shelleyr25! I will do that. Good suggestion.


does it make sense to put in a housing deposit at this time? it it too late to make a difference? son would probably want a double at Burke or Blount. would those still be available if he deposits later?

@Wien2NC - Blount fills up before Burke, based upon what I’ve seen/experienced in the past (2014/2015). If you are wanting a shot at Blount, I would suggest going ahead with deposit. Hopefully others will chime in.

@Wien2NC If he wants a double- pay the deposit and have him try to find a potential roommate who paid before 2/21. That person will be part of the room selection process and can pull your son into the room that he picks. The deposit needs to be paid for the boys to be matched up as roommates in the system so that come selection time your son can be pulled into the room.

@amy9998 @shelleyr25

i see … thanks for the feedback.

@Wien2NC sorry, meant 2/1- typo…he can fill out the roommate profile on the UA site as well as join the Facebook page for class of 2021. My dd found her potential roommates on the FB page.

@geauxsanders, I found other moms simply by interacting with them here on the UA page. FWIW, my daughter was a freshman a few years ago and things were a bit more active here then. If you haven’t already, check out the UA parent group on FB.