<p>Looking at the different Living Learning Communities and housing options at University of Kentucky, I am interested in hearing others' opinions, suggestions, or warnings. Looks like Central 1 and Central 2 are the newly opened dorms, and Haggin and Wood Glen I and II are the two opening next fall. </p>
<p>Haggin will have the Healthcare Residential College
Wood Glen I will have the Leadership & Service Community/R.O.T.C. Community
Wodd Glen II will have Agriculture/Environmental & Sustainability Residential Colleges
Central 1 and Central 2 have the Honors Living Learning Community</p>
<p>Any feedback on the new dorms? What are moveable closets? Which is better: the four-person suite or the two-person suite? Any interior room pictures online? (I can't seem to find them) Best place to live: South campus or Central campus?</p>
<p>Hi ILfather. I have not found pictures or any information about the new dorms, but I did contact a grad student a few months ago who was formerly active on this site about the South vs. Central campus question. It seems that there are pros and cons to both. Central is slightly closer to classes than South, but there are many social activities near the South dorms, as more people in the past were living there. With the addition of more Central housing, that could change. Her statement was that it was only a few extra minutes, which did not make a huge difference. It might be a little more exercise to keep off those Freshman 15.</p>
<p>Has your decision been finalized regarding UK? We are going blue!</p>
<p>Thanks, @NaperMom. Congratulations on being decided on your child’s future. I wish I could say the same, but we’re still waiting on some decisions from schools. I heeded some good advice
and prodded my daughter into signing up for housing at UK, since there is no monetary investment.</p>
<p>Weighing in as a parent of a freshman, my daughter lives on north campus this year.
It is a trek to the library but, in her opinion, the best food options are on her side of campus.
She likes being along the restaurant strip and by Blazer.
I think her reasoning is that she knows that she will walk to the library, classes etc (she is disciplined enough to do so) but she wouldn’t necessarily make the effort for food. It worked out that she doesn’t have to.
Parents weekend the students I met seemed happy with wherever they landed…north, central and south.</p>
<p>Thanks, @3Triplet. That’s good information. I also got a PM from someone with the [Housing</a> and Dining rates](<a href=“Home | Wildcat Living”>Home | Wildcat Living) for UK undergraduates. So, the premium dorms are about $2,000 more per year than the traditional dorms, and the premium dorms cost (~$6650/9 months) is really close to the cost of an apartment for 12 months. My daughter would live in the dorms her first year if she winds up at the University of Kentucky, but I can see moving to an apartment after that first year. More conversation is welcomed…</p>
<p>Hi ILfather, my S just submitted his housing app last week. It turned out to be a little more involved than he had thought. Meaning, there are essays. Yes I know…more essays! If you select a living learning community then there are essays concerning that community. My S applied for the engineering community and also the honors community. I do like that they spell out the increased cost of certain dorms. My S seemed concerned with being near food as well, he was satisfied that there was a dining hall fairly near the dorms he selected.</p>
<p>I am trying to follow the Math for your post, ILfather. I see the Lexington apts. listed at about the same cost for the two semesters. Have you looked into other apts. outside of this that are 12 month? I assume that those would also have utilities that would need to be paid. I have not looked at anything beyond this year, so am just curious.</p>
<p>@NaperMom, I have not done any homework on apartment costs outside of that listing on the University of Kentucky [Housing</a> and Dining Rates](<a href=“Home | Wildcat Living”>Home | Wildcat Living) page. The PM I received was from a parent who has a child at Kentucky and pointed out to me the cost of an apartment for 12 months is about equal to the premium dorm rate for 9 months. Plus, there’s no shuffling in and out of the apartment for vacation/spring break/summer. :)</p>
<p>I did do a little poking around on [Place</a> of Mine | Apartments, Houses for Rent | Rental Search](<a href=“http://www.placeofmine.com%5DPlace”>http://www.placeofmine.com) and apartments in the Virginia Ave. Neighborhood and downtown Lexington will cost anywhere from $425/month to $600/month for 2+ roommates. If we average $500/month, that’s $6,000/year plus heat, water, electricity (say, $60/month per roommate, with trash and Internet connectivity included in rent already), you’re looking at $6,720 for 12 months versus $6,650 for 9 months.</p>