Housing but waiting on another college?

Yesterday was one of the happiest moments in my life when I was accepted to Virginia Tech. I really want to room at Pritchard when I go to Tech. However I am still waiting for NC State’s decision which doesn’t come out until the end of March.
What should I do? How competitive is housing for Tech? How does the process work? Do many people get the dorms they want?

@Lilmelo The earlier you matriculate and subsequently sign your housing contract, the more housing choices will be available to you. Once you have signed your housing contract you are “in line”. Priority goes to LLC members first (many of those have assigned dorm space) and ED. Then it’s when you sign your contract for remaining EA and RD accepteds.

@ShenVal18 So I just paid my 400$ deposit. When do I get my housing contract and how? Also if another college accepts me and I choose to go there will the contract void

@Lilmelo you may get some sort of refund but you probably will just lose your deposit. So what was your major that you got in to VT? Just curious cause I remember you got deferred from JMU. My son got in EA to JMU, u of SC, NC State but got waitlisted at VT. He has a friend that was also deferred from JMU but got into VT. This all is just crazy process

@Lilmelo Your student ID will be sent to you, and then they will activate the portal for your housing contract. VT’s admissions page(s) have answers to pretty much any question you may have. In your case, a full matriculation refund can be issued if they receive your written request by May 1.

Lilmelo - since you accepted and paid you should have now setup your VT ID and have a VT email address created during that process.

Now you need to login to StarRez to sign your housing contract. It may be Tuesday or Wednesday before you login works (not it can be confusing but you want to login at the bottom of the login page where it says VT students (the top login is for administration).


Here is a VT list of to do’s - just don’t wait on the housing contract until June as they put on the timeline - do it now and get your spot.


As far as Pritchard goes - it was pretty popular last year. There are a lot of LLC’s in Pritchard so doing an LLC is a good way to get a spot. My son signed his housing contract last year a few days after EA Acceptance, as in now, and spaces were very limited in Pritchard when he chose. So you definately want to go the LLC route or sign your contract ASAP if that is your preferred dorm.

Ok I am still little confused? So I paid my 400$ deposit already. Do they email me a setup guide my VT email and then use that email to create housing?

@jgwolf I applied undecided to all colleges. I got deferred from JMU and NCSU but I got into VT

I went on onboard and they made me confirm my email and birthdate then said i already have an account? Now what?

As for Pritchard, is there any way I can get it now? What is LLC route and will I get it if I choose that?

I just wonder why you would get deferred from JMU. Did you have a lower SAT as the friends of my son who got deferred had lower scores. I really feel with VT majors had a lot to do with it

@Lilmelo and @jgwolf, that was really strange. Vice versa…

I am curious about their SATs and GPAs. It should be interesting stats. So curious

Did anyone get the VT Email set up after paying the $400 deposit? We cannot figure out how to set up the email.

Portal says:

Offered Admission Please click here to see next steps.
“You have accepted our offer of admission and payment of your $400 matriculation deposit has been confirmed.”

Then Checklist says:

Confirm receipt of your matriculation fee by looking
for the word “acceptance” displayed in the Decision
section of your Application Status Page. Once
received, you will be able to create your VT username
and email address.

Maybe lag time since today is not a business day? Or refresh your browser and maybe the “acceptance” tag will show up?


Does the word “Acceptance” replace “Offered Admission”?

We got email confirmation of payment received (even though we got an error after confirming payment); and it shows payment received under “Offered Admission”.

Is there going to be a button to click to create the VT Email?

Sorry, I can’t recall if a link became active or if students received an email with link and instructions for creating their email. The error message may be your culprit. It’s also possible that the part of the system that confirms receipt of a matriculation fee doesn’t update immediately with the part that changes the graphic interface to say “acceptance”. The error may have put you in some sort of limbo. Call the bursar or registrar tomorrow morning and they should be able to get you taken care of.

@sunnyschool We had the same issues you had today with payment, error (but then confirmation of payment email), and no ability to get any further today.

If you can recall or screenshot the error, try emailing 4help@vt.du. That’s the IT folks and I believe they are staffed 7 days a week.

Trying to create my PID/vt email. When I login to onboard it asks the verifying questions then says acct already exists (guest) instead of letting me create a student email. Paid deposit on 2/22 - do I just need to wait for something to update?

@lcs4455 does ur VT email end in @vt or something or does it end in gmail. How do I create it

My email is a gmail. The verifying ?s ask what email you used to apply and when I get to the end of the process it tells me acct already created and take me to the guest acct.

I found this: https://vt.edu/admissions/undergraduate/apply/pid.html which says: How do I get a Virginia Tech User ID?
You can create your Virginia Tech User ID after you accept our offer of admission and your matriculation deposit has been received and processed. Note: This may take several days for online payments or up to two weeks for mailed payments.

So that’s why I’m wondering if it’s not updated yet?