Housing Contract by February???

<p>I just got a packet in the mail yesterday from the residential housing office at UW. The paper I got in it said I had to have my housing contract in by February 2nd. This seems really early to me. I might not even hear back from one of my colleges by then. Did anybody else get this, and do I really have to decided by february??</p>

<p>Just apply. If you don't go you get a refund. If you don't apply you are looking at private dorms (which are not all bad but that's another story).</p>

<p>Perhaps Im misinformed, but I'm pretty sure housing contracts are non-refundable</p>

<p>^You are. They are refundable in certain circumstances, and this would be one of them. Division</a> of University Housing - 2009-10 Cancellation Policy If you are not attending the University of Wisconsin – Madison, you can be released from your University Residence Halls contract. Notification in writing by May 1 ensures a full refund of your Housing deposit.</p>

<p>Last year the deadline was May 1, I'm pretty sure. That doesn't make any sense, because they don't even send you the housing packet until after you're accepted, right? Yes, I realize you can apply for housing without it, but still. Some people don't find out until March 15th... Why waste the energy and time sending it to people who couldn't even go the university itself?</p>

<p>I would wait until January or so to send it in. If it really is Feburary 2nd, send it in, but I would call the university to make sure. If so, you can always get the money back.</p>

<p>Hmm, maybe I got it mixed up with other schools Im applying to. On the west coast they are non-refundable contracts. My mistake.</p>

<p>Just went thru this with S last year. It is refundable. He is glad he sent his housing contract in early as he is OOS. He is in the dorms and loving it!</p>

<p>I'm surprised you have so much time to decide- a couple of years ago you had only about 2 weeks after being accepted as I recall (unless it's because son didn't apply until mid Jan- finally did a safety...). You can get refunds if you don't attend- just remember you have to let Res Halls and UW know in writing separately, one will not tell the other for you. If you do attend you can be liable for 85% of the contract from what I most recently read online. They have a checklist in the info brochure they probably sent you and I saw online. Post 34- the nonattendance would be for accepted students who change their minds about attending after sending in deposits and a signed housing contract. Some people use schools as their safety and decide to go elsewhere when the March acceptances come out. It is nice that UW does not do a first-come-first-served dorm choice; therefore you can wait to send in the contract by your due date.</p>

<p>okay, that clears it up for me.</p>