Housing contract due April 9th

<p>Their e-mail said:
"Please note that your contract due date is April 9, 2010 if you are interested in living in the University Residence Halls at UW-Madison."</p>

<p>If I don't sign a contract by April 9th, does that mean I won't be able to stay in the residence halls? I'm not sure if I'm going to UW yet—still waiting for a decision from UMich.</p>

<p>My understanding is that the April 9 mailing date commits you to university housing IF you go to UW-Madison. Basically it takes private dorms / apartments off the table. I believe the deposit is refundable if you decide not to go to Madison - if you inform them right after the May 1 deadline. (I don’t have the contract with me for the exact date.)</p>

<p>My S has narrowed his decision to three schools including Madison. Assuming he hasn’t made a final decision to go elsewhere, we will be mailing the contract in couple of days.</p>

<p>Yeah… I know I can get a refund. What I don’t know is, if I don’t sign the contract by April 9th, does that mean I won’t have a place in the public dorms?</p>

<p>Possibly. If they fill the rooms your are out. If they still have some you are in. Usually some private dorms still have rooms late. Not a bad alternative. But why not get it in case you need it??</p>

<p>Res Halls does get full. Do sign the contract by the due date IF you intend to live in the dorms if you attend UW. If you change your mind about attending UW be sure to tell Res Halls in writing, separately from UW, by the May 1st deadline in order to get your deposit back.</p>

<p>I am a deferred transfer student hoping to live in the dorms next fall. I need to send in my seond semester grades (which will be coming out May 14th). Only at this point can I turn in my request for housing to UW, do you think I will still have a shot at getting a room at this point?</p>

<p>Do different students get different dates to return housing contracts? Ours is May 5 or something like that, unless we’re missing something.</p>

<p>Maybe my deadline’s earlier since I’m an international student.</p>

<p>Here’s my e-mail:


<p>I signed the contract on the portal but haven’t paid:


<p>Do I have to pay now?? Because it’ll be rather troublesome if I paid now and then would have to refund later… I’d rather wait first to see whether I get accepted by UMich (rolling decisions to April 15th)</p>

<p>Another question—am I supposed to get two different mails, i.e, one acceptance letter and one housing contract letter? I only got the acceptance letter, with nothing much about housing inside.</p>

<p>Housing contracts have a deadline based on when they are sent out- it used to be about 2 weeks- they are sent by Res Halls when UW sends you their admission acceptance. Therefore early admits will have had their deadline a long time ago if it is the same as just a few years ago. Res Halls is separate from UW although they are both together in some ways. This means that telling one does NOT mean you have told the other- you have to send separate requests for getting your deposits back if you are not attending UW. Not attending UW will remove you from elegibility for living in Res Halls but will not remove you from contract obligations unless Res Halls allows it. Contracts for housing with other places, eg private dorms or apartments, are independent of attending UW and not attending UW will likely still obligate you to pay for the entire amount owed in the contract unless they specifically have a clause stating otherwise.</p>

<p>This is not the same as choosing/getting room assignments- all students who have sent in their contracts by the time Res Halls does the room assignment lottery have an equal chance at getting their preferred dorm. This will be probably be sometime in May as students usually get their room assignments sometime in June.</p>

<p>All questions regarding when you can send the room deposit should be sent to Res Halls. For US students a phone call is easy, for internationals an email should work well. You want official information- we can’t give that here, we only can give our opinions/informed guesses.</p>

<p>Students- I’m curious- are all incoming students given the option of signing a Res Halls contract online? Or was that for international students for whom snail mail would take longer than the response time allotted? You would have to snail mail your deposit so perhaps just mailing both the deposit and contract acceptance together was the way everyone would do it from US locations.</p>