Housing Dilemma/ roommate search

Hi everyone!
My roommates and I just got split up today because housing supposedly did not have any 4 person suites available… Two of the girls had selection times and me and another girl put our deposit down after february so we do not have a selection time. One of the girls that had a housing selection time only wanted to room with this one girl (who happened to be the second one with a housing time). Thus, me and my roommate are back to square one…
We are in the honors college and would like to live in honors if possible, if not suite style. Is there a chance we will still be able to room together? If anyone has or knows anyone with a confirmed room and room for at least two more please let me know! We also posted in the Facebook group but haven’t heard back yet.

Hi there! You might want to change your hall preferences in your application to better suit your situation. For instance, if you’re all in Honors, you might want to consider space in Blount so you can be together.

Hope this helps,

@UAHousing Its just me and another girl. Our other two roommates got a room with available space. Would we be able to get a suite style dorm with 2 available spaces? or is this unlikely?

If not suite style is Tut and option?

Don’t turn up your nose at Blount . . . it’s a great option! You and your friend would get a double room, and you’d share a bath with another double. It’s a bit cozier than suite-style, but Blount is a **great/b dorm - home to the Blount Initiative students, close to Ferguson and right next to the Ridgecrest dorms.