Housing disappointment

<p>^^^you would need to call housing to find out. Have you been checking your crimson email lately?</p>

<p>We went to lobby area of Burk and found that Housing has office/staff there. We asked for a tour of a room in Burk and they asked if there were any other dorms we wanted to see as well. </p>

<p>so happy for ibiza11! ;)</p>

<p>Yes, great news for @ibiza11‌! </p>

<p>My son still hasn’t received his assignment yet either; the only new information is that honors housing is (as of now) no longer available. I guess we’ll keep our fingers crossed for something else suite-style or in honors accommodations. Someone told me that the top floor of Blount is now honors as well. Does anybody know if it has air-conditioning?</p>

<p>I’m pretty sure all of the residence halls at UA have AC.</p>

<p>Thanks, @SEA_tide‌! Do you know if they’ve designated a floor in Blount as honors housing? </p>

<p>FWIW, I communicated with someone in the Housing office today and she assures me that UA’s regional recruiters have no business implying there’s enough honors housing reserved for all the honors freshmen because that’s simply NOT the case, so @mom2collegekids was spot on about that. (So, take note, future students!) The Housing person also said it’s really important to put in your request for a room change ASAP if you aren’t happy with your original assignment. But you can’t do that UNTIL you get an assignment–and we’re still waiting!</p>

<p>I’m still hopeful my son will end up with a decent housing situation come August. But we may not know before we attend Bama Bound later this summer because it sounds like there’s not a lot of housing ANYWHERE on campus available as we approach the end of May. </p>

<p>Does anybody know what the “summer melt” has been like at UA the past few years? Are many freshmen starting off the school year in triples? </p>

<p>@robotbldmom‌ hi thank you for your reply. i check my email every hour lol. i will try email them, will get back to this thread when i get my reply </p>

<p>I’m not sure why UA doesn’t designate another residence hall as honors. The top floor of Blount has been overflow honors housing for the past couple of years and will likely be the same this year.</p>

<p>When all students were allowed to choose their specific room, Housing had Honors Housing selection a couple days prior to non-honors housing selection, which allowed them to reclassify residence halls as honors residence halls and vice versa. UA could’ve done something similar this year by having all honors students choose or be assigned to specific rooms before allowing non-honors students to select or be assigned specific rooms, but decided not to do so.</p>

<p>Personally, I was hoping that the Presidential II Building would be classified as Honors and that the following year the Presidential I Building would be added to Honors Housing. With the dining hall, new Rec Center and location, that designation made sense to me. These newest buildings would then become the hub of Honors Housing. I am sure that they would still need additional Honors Housing since the Honors College keeps growing but why not use these newest building as Honors? </p>

<p>Check you actual housing assignment page and not just your crimson email. Others have reported not getting an email but being able to see the assignment on the housing web page.</p>

<p>Honors2regular: You’re welcome. You can also call housing and see if they can give you an answer. If you don’t get someone on the phone, write a quick email to housing.</p>

<p>@‌Class2012Mom, I saw that too and had S double-check, but it remains that the only “news” is that honors housing is full. </p>

<p>I suspect they’re at capacity at present and those who enrolled after 4/1 may have to wait a while for the “summer melt” to get underway.</p>

<p>I just called the Housing office. They are indeed at capacity right now, so those who haven’t gotten their assignments will need to sit tight until rooms open up. She told me everyone should have their assignment by mid-June. </p>

<p>So the XL or regular twin sheet decision will have to wait a little longer for some of us! ;-)</p>

<p>XL sheets should fit comfortably on standard twin mattresses once you put on the mattress bed bug protector, mattress pad and mattress topper. That’s the combo I use at home on a twin and the sheets fit fine, on the dorm mattress (same combo) you may just have a little extra give in the fitted sheet but it won’t matter for the top sheet.</p>

<p>@robotbldmom‌ I emailed them and i got @LucieTheLakie‌ 's reply. They told me i’ll get my assignment mid-June…
@LucieTheLakie‌ What do u mean by at capacity? Like all the suites are taken/ </p>

<p>Honors2regular: Try not to worry, housing will do what they need to to make sure that all freshmen are housed. In the past, UA Housing has offered incentives and off site housing to upperclassman to make way for the freshmen. It always seems to work out in the end, and I really don’t remember any major complaints in the past.
There were a few incidents of triple housing but I think by the time the semester had begun, Housing had rectified that. I really don’t think with the opening of Presidential II, that there will be any problems, probably just some juggling still needs to be done.
Of course, this is my speculation based on what I have seen happen over the last several years.
Perhaps UA Housing will weigh in on this, and give our young friends some reassurance.</p>

<p>I can tell you that UA Housing does a much better job than many universities. I have often heard of students here in the NorthEast who have to triple in space meant for two, or have been assigned to hallways until a room becomes available. All this with no decrease in cost being offered. Some universities cannot even offer housing to incoming freshmen without a lottery system because they do not have enough beds. Forget about the possibility of housing upperclassmen.</p>

<p>All in all, I think that UA housing does a phenomenal job and is very responsive to student’s needs and requests.</p>

<p>Thank you that is very comforting. (: </p>

<p>^^^There is still the entire summer to go and I am sure that Housing has plenty of work to do yet. :slight_smile:
Just keep checking for your assignment and hopefully you will be pleasantly surprised. If not, do what Ibiza did and put in a request for a change. If that doesn’t work, try to make the best of things. A great attitude goes far in making your life happy. The University of Alabama has SO much to offer that you don’t want to make a little hiccup like not getting into your preferred residence house color your first days at UA. Believe me, things like this are minor in the grand scheme of things.</p>

<p>@honors2regular I was actually told that ALL housing was full when I called, not just the suites, but as others have assured you, spaces will open up throughout the summer, so not to worry. I’ve seen very few complaints about the final outcomes when searching through old threads.</p>

<p>I was also told my son will have his assignment before he attends BB in July and that if he isn’t happy with his placement he can put in a request for a room change. </p>

<p>My son put in a change request at BB in June last year and received a new assignment within 24 hrs! We had just been told in the housing session at BB that no assignment changes would be made for any reason, so we weren’t expecting it. It all works out- don’t worry. </p>