Housing disappointment

<p>I am so glad the OP has been able to get a new assignment.</p>

<p>And after reading this thread, I am so grateful that my son was able to work with another student who had paid early and had a selection slot, and he was able to be pulled in to the Honors Housing with him. We will owe that family a lot! Because certainly not having Honors Housing would have been a major detriment, since my son was comparing a set of schools that were all offering him full tuition plus along with Honors Housing. If he had ended up choosing Alabama and yet ended up in a regular dorm, that would have been very disappointing and might have even been a reason to decline the admission offer and go back to one of the other schools (if there was time to do so.) Coming from out of state, especially, housing was an essential part of the equation, and given the scholarship, the living environment of utmost importance.</p>

<p>So I guess what I have learned is that, in the event any of my other kids decide to go to Alabama and are offered the same Presidential, then I better just go ahead and pay the housing deposit before Christmas, as we might not get so lucky to find another student with an early selection date.</p>

<p>Given how many students are designated as Honors by Alabama, the school may want to reconsider how it conducts the tours, because my son went to two events - the Honors event and the Capstone Scholars Day - and at both events, the clear message was that Honors Housing was part and parcel of the Honors experience. The only caveat being that if students did not pay the deposits early, that they would not be able to choose their roommates, but never was there a message that they might not even get Honors Housing.</p>

<p>@chesterton, I think for most kids it all works out in the end (at least that’s what I keep telling myself!), and it sounds like there are some great alternatives to “honors housing” for kids who have other interests, preferences, or financial constraints, but I would agree with you that if getting into honors housing is the priority for any future students, just go ahead and deposit in the fall. The Honors College and the Housing Office need to get on the same page with regard to what’s being communicated to prospective families. I suspect, however, that for the most part, precisely because most things work out in the end, they like having the ability to use the fantastic housing options as a marketing tool, knowing full well that if the housing office will figure out a way to “make it right” one way or the other. I suspect there’s some tension between the two offices too. But it’s not really all that suprising and is likely just part of doing business at any big school.</p>


<p>You may want to contact the Admissions director and correct that. It may be one of those 'one hand doesnt know what the other hand is doing".</p>

<p>One thing that is sometimes hard to understand after moving from K-12 to college…In K-12, everything is directed from the administration office. In college, there are all of these very separate offices, that arent even located anywhere near each other, so each office may not know what’s what.</p>

<p>There was a time when virtually anyone in honors could get honors housing. there was a time when there was too many honors beds, so the school had to let some non-honors students take some suites. times change and not everyone may know.</p>

<p>My kid got assigned to Paty, so we need to put in a room request change ASAP. Unfortunately, the link they sent him to make a formal room request change is broken. Can anybody tell me where to go to find it? He signed into his account on my computer so I can try to do it for him, but I don’t know how long it will be before the system logs me out. Thanks!</p>

<p>Editing toupdate that I found it on my own, but if anybody else incurs the same problem, this is where you go to make your change: <a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/roomchange%20-%20pa/changerequestmenu.cfm”>http://housing.ua.edu/roomchange%20-%20pa/changerequestmenu.cfm&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Updating my status: I have been assigned to Paty, applied for a room change request on the same day @LucieTheLakie‌ posted her message and got a room change to a suite style dorm, just today. </p>

<p>Am I allowed to make another room change request? This time I’m gonna try to go for honors housing but if I cant then I’m already satisfied with my suite style room (instead of Paty’s traditional dorm). </p>

<p>In life, you my ask for anything you want. </p>

<p>Lol. let me rephrase. Will housing be annoyed if I request another room change?</p>

<p>I would phrase it that you are first thanking them for making the first change…and then just inquire if they have any honors suites open instead.</p>

<p>^ that.</p>

<p>Smart move going for the suite-style housing, @honors2regular‌. My kid made his request for honors housing (he really wants both) and is still waiting! </p>

<p>Does anyone know how the Blount Initiative would work for an Honors EE major? He’s 3rd floor Blount and presumably with Honors suite mates. We paid deposits very late so didn’t make the 4 BR opportunity as initially requested. All his suite mates are Arts/Sciences and it looks like most of the participating faculty is too. </p>

<p>@PacePete, we were in a similar situation paying deposits relatively late (mid-April) and I was actually hoping for Blount, which sounds like a really cool place, once it was clear the suites were all full. But my kid also chose Alabama over Penn State because he was so impressed with the liberal arts options. I would think, for a student who wants to be with honors students, Blount would be a better option than something like Paty, but it probably depends on the student and his particular interests.</p>

<p>You can always put in a request for a room change and see what happens, but he might get bumped out of honors and end up with other engineers in another dorm. Bryant, actually, sounds like a great option (suites and better dining because male athletes are housed there!), but since you can’t request a specific dorm via the room change function, I don’t know what would happen. You might want to call housing and ask for their advice on that. If you put in for a room change via the website, you’d have to choose between honors or suite-style. You can’t select both unfortunately!</p>

<p>Based on that, we’ll play the hand we’re dealt. I wouldn’t risk throwing him into the General Population to pursue the 4 bedroom alternatives. He’s connected on FB with each of his new suite mates and they appear to be very bright fellas who’d also be fun at a party. All are athletic like mine, and 2 are from Alabama. I also like the idea of NOT living with Engineering students for networking opportunities. Do you know anything specifically about the Blount Initiative beyond what the website says? </p>

<p>A couple different UA folks recommended my son check it out since he’s also really interested in theater. Aside from that, I’ve mostly relied on discussions here. See if this link works:</p>

<p><a href=“Search results for '' - College Confidential Forums”>Search results for '' - College Confidential Forums;

<p>If not, just search for “blount initiative” in the Alabama forums here on CC and you should find some interesting threads.</p>

<p>I believe that not all the students living in Blount are actually part of the Blount Initiative. In the past, extra room space has been used to house honor students without having to be part of the program. The housing website states " Blount is also home to part of the Honors Community." So unless your son applied for the living learning program, he should just be an honors student living in Blount. You can check with housing to confirm this.</p>

<p>^^^Yes, that’s how I understand it as well.</p>

<p>My son is still waiting for his housing reassignment, which he requested back on 5/28. Today is the day to sign up for your move-in slot. Will it matter that he won’t be able to choose his time slot?</p>

<p>I believe I read that move-in times sign-up will be available through 7/31… so hopefully he’ll get his new room assignment in a few days and then you can sign up!</p>

<p>LucieTheLakie, there is no guarantee your son will get his housing reassignment. I’d choose a time now based on his current assignment. If UA changes his room they will change his move-in time for you.</p>

<p>I was wondering about that, @Class2012Mom. Unfortunately, the Housing system is down again, so all I can do is email and wait for someone to get back to me. He needs to move in early for Alabama Action as well. Paty isn’t listed separately, so I’m not sure it really matters at this point since I guess it just falls under the category “All Buildings.”</p>