Housing disappointment

<p>I don’t know if this helps, but the move-in confirmation email DD received stated this:</p>

<p>“Please note, if your housing assignment changes over the summer, you will need to log in and reserve a check-in time for your new residence hall.” </p>

<p>Sounds like you should pick a time based on your current assignment and then go back and change it if you get reassigned.</p>

<p>Thanks. I was told to go ahead and request a move-in time based on the original assignment, but I couldn’t sign on at his assigned time. System apparently is down for today. Will try again tomorrow!</p>

<p>If you were unable to sign up at your assigned time (due to system issues), you can request your move-in time by email. Just send your request (with name and CWID) to: <a href=“mailto:moveinhelp@sa.ua.edu”>moveinhelp@sa.ua.edu</a>. </p>

<p>My understanding is that there shouldn’t be any difficulty getting a move-in assignment that accommodates Alabama Action.</p>

<p>Thanks, @dodgersmom. That’s exactly what I did. I don’t have time to sit on the computer all day trying to sign up!</p>

<p>I sent the e-mail yesterday afternoon around 4PM just after I found out the system crashed again(by reading it here on CC). I received an e-mail back this afternoon that we received our first choice move in day and time! This has been the only frustrating process my son and I have had at UA so I guess we are lucky!</p>

<p>Thank you all for bearing with us as we tried a new signup system this year. Hopefully everyone has a move-in time, but if anyone still needs help, please have them email us at <a href=“mailto:moveinhelp@sa.ua.edu”>moveinhelp@sa.ua.edu</a>.</p>


<p>It’s a little late, but I thought I’d share this. </p>

<p>I was in a similar situation to OP. I applied to UA/Honors College/Scholarship/STEM to MBA (accepted to all) all around March 31, completely negating the early sign up/pick exact room stuff. Too bad. </p>

<p>I too like many others toured a 4-bed suite style, I don’t remember which one exactly.</p>

<p>So imagine my shock when I got an email saying I was in Paty. I read about it and the email might as well have said “You have ulcers” to me. I wasn’t happy.</p>

<p>I requested a room change immediately, and the awesome folks at UA Housing came through. I selected my preference for suite style over honors, I figured I had a better chance at getting suite style seeing as I had gotten another email saying that Honors Housing was full. All squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares, kind of thing.</p>

<p>Later I got an email saying that I was in Presidental Village 2, a BRAND NEW DORM. I literally moved from the oldest dorm on campus to the newest! </p>

<p>Great experience. Like it was meant to be.</p>

<p>Glad to hear it worked out for you, Mandalorian. Choosing suite style over honors turned out to be a good choice for you!</p>

<p>Thanks for the encouraging words, @Mandalorian. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, we were told ALL housing was full initially and then my son got assigned to Paty, so it wasn’t clear which was the better gamble, suite or honors. We’d also been told that they had created an honors overflow floor in Blount. I told my son to think hard before he chose which type for reassignment, and he went with honors. </p>

<p>More than a month later, and he’s still waiting for a reassignment, and I’m trying to find the silver lining in the cloud of Paty. Many people believe traditional dorms are a better situation for freshmen, to optimize social integration, but it’s hard to get on board when we’re talking about a dorm with such an infamous reputation. I’ve been told the common areas have all been recently been remodeled, but has anyone seen the actual dorms rooms and bathrooms lately? Have they too been remodeled recently?</p>

<p>BTW, some students are still waiting for a first assignment. Makes you wonder if the number of matriculates this year is much higher than UA estimated.</p>

<p>I was very surprised several rising Juniors got the nod to stay in on-campus housing this year. I bet there are still people jockeying around and making final decisions. Things will work out…they always do. In the past, UA has offered on-campus upperclassmen incentives to move off campus.</p>

<p>@LucieTheLakie, remember many schools consider “new”’ dorms to be dorms built in the last decade. UA has built so many in the last decade, that even those 4 years old aren’t new. So UA’s “bad” housing is no where near as “bad” as many other schools. And I can tell you, last year my son’s dorm was super quiet/anti social. DS did a May study abroad. One of the girls on the trip lived across the hall from him and they did not know each other until the trip. I definitely think the traditional dorms are more social.</p>

<p>@Longhaul, I’m fairly sold on traditional dorms, but the all-male Paty, historically, has had a pretty terrible reputation with UA students. What I’m trying to find out is whether or not that reputation is still warranted. When looking at the photos on the website, Paty doesn’t look any worse than the all-female Tutwiler, which is enormously popular. But, then again, one can only experience a dorm olfactorily in person! ;-)</p>

<p><a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama;
<a href=“https://twitter.com/UAPatyHall/media”>https://twitter.com/UAPatyHall/media&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Not sure if this link will show up, but there’s more subjective info here: <a href=“The University of Alabama - Niche”>http://colleges.niche.com/university-of-alabama/campus-housing/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;



<p>At this point, we’re not expecting my son to end up in a suite, but we’re still hoping he might find himself in a co-ed dorm with a solid group of honors students and/or engineers.</p>

<p>Well, from that list, Palmer was just torn down, and Rose was previously torn down to make way for Presidential. </p>

<p>@LucieTheLakie don’t be discouraged about honors housing. My son was in the same boat as you. He was placed in Paty because he did not submit housing application until May. He received his housing Assignment just three weeks ago. He immediately submitted housing change and was reassigned to honors housing at Ridgecrest West on June 18th. So there is hope for your son.</p>



<p>@voiceofreason66, thanks. I guess that’s all good news for our situation, but my son actually paid his deposit in mid-April, received an assignment six weeks later (in late May), and immediately put in his request for a reassignment to Honors housing. </p>

<p>If I’m understanding correctly, it sounds like your son received his initial assignment much later than my son but yours was quickly reassigned and mine is still waiting.</p>

<p>I had thought they reassigned on a first-come, first-serve basis, but maybe decisions are made based on which school the student was admitted to or some other criteria?</p>

<p>@LucieTheLakie Not sure how housing does its reassignments, but my son is in Engineering, STEM MBA & CBHP. It took about a week from request for reassignment. I am sure that your son will be reassigned soon. Best wishes</p>

<p>Thanks for the info, @voiceofreason66‌. My son is also in engineering, but he wasn’t interested in either STEM MBA or CBHP, so he didn’t apply. I’m not sure if being part of either of those special programs would affect housing assignments, but perhaps those students get preferential treatment.</p>

<p>I’m glad it worked out so well for your son; I’m assuming it will all fall into place for mine as well!</p>

<p>@LucieTheLakie - I’m not suggesting that you should be the bull in the china shop, but maybe it’s time to follow up with a phone call. If these other honors students received such prompt reassignment, and yours didn’t, it sounds like someone may have dropped the ball somewhere. And they may well not notice their oversight until you point it out. Call and ask. :)</p>

<p>Hang in there regarding housing. Things still may work out. At the last minute, kids decide not to go to a particular school. Funding does not pan out or family issues happen or they just do not want to go that far from home. I’m very serious about this. One of the girls in my son’s graduating class this year decided the first week in June that she did not like her first choice school and went somewhere else. She had never even seen that new school! But, she wanted more social things, she said, and the first school was too small – although it offered a nice academic scholarship and a chance to play college soccer. She will not have either with her new choice. I’ve been to her new choice, too. She liked it because it was 10 miles from the beach. It’s a nice school, but … she still had not seen it before graduation. I do hope it works out for her. </p>

<p>LucieTheLakie: CBHP ever affected housing choice before. I know that. My older son was in CBHP. He had to fight tooth and nail to get the type of housing he sought the last three years. And he was a National Merit kid, too. </p>

<p>I called the housing office and was politely told that they reassign kids in the order of the request for change. When I pointed out that didn’t seem to be the case in my son’s situation, and that I was concerned that his request may have gotten lost in the process, they put me through to the person who does the actual assignments. I left her a voice mail message and am waiting for a response, so we shall see!</p>

<p>Thanks for all the moral support; it’s much appreciated!</p>