Housing for Non-Honors

<p>My son will be selecting housing next week (non-honors). Looking for some advice from all of the experts out there! The suite style housing at Ridgecrest and Riverside looks “sweet”, but is also a bit more expensive that the typical dorm set up. He has found a room mate, so if he does end up choosing a dorm room with a double, I think he’s comfortable enough with his room mate that he’d be ok with that. They are thinking about Burke, does anyone have any experience with that building that would like to share? Any other recommendations? Suite style is not completely out of the question, but I think they are trying to save their parents a little cash!
Thanks in advance for any advice you may have!</p>

<p>Burke is very nice…has a really good dining hall in it.</p>

<p>If Burke is full, then select a room elsewhere and keep checking for vacancies.</p>

<p>Also, contact Housing and ask what the policy is this year about switching rooms later. Last year, students could do that last year…after checking every so often.</p>

<p>Burke is the best “regular dorm” on campus. Good dining hall attached. Convenient to new row and the academic buildings on the east side of campus as well as coleman coliseum.</p>

<p>Friedman Hall is good too but it’s only for Business Majors. If he’s in C&BA then he should take a look at it.</p>

<p>Thanks for the responses. I’m getting the feeling from the lack of info out there on Burke and regular dorms, that the majority would choose the suite set up instead…?!
Since my son will be so far from home and spending so much time on campus/in dorm room, I would rather spend the extra money if the environment is that much better. So difficult making a choice not having the opportunity to actually see the campus and buildings until June when we visit for Bama Bound. Wish we could make it down there for A Game weekend…sounds like a fun event!! For those that are going…enjoy! Instead of A Game, my son will be going to Fenway Park to cheer on our LAST PLACE Red Sox!!! :slight_smile:
Roll Tide!</p>

<p>Suite-style housing is really nice, if you can swing it.</p>

<p>i wouldn’t say the “atmosphere” is better in the suites. In fact I’d say just the opposite as far as meeting more people and the sense of community you get by living in the traditional dorm. </p>

<p>From my experience living in Friedman my freshman year at UA to what I see now with my lil bro in Ridgecrest East. I’d say I had a much stronger community experience. In the traditional dorms you’re almost forced to spend some time in the tv room, game room, or lobby just so you don’t feel caged up. Spending time in these community rooms gives you a great chance to meet, talk, and bond with a variety of people and not just your 3 suite mates like is what normally happens in the suite style dorms. </p>

<p>Obviously having one’s own bedroom is nice, and only having to share a bathroom with one other person is even nicer. But I’m not sure it’s worth the extra $2500 a year. And in many ways I think the traditional dorms are better for an out of state regular student who doesn’t know anyone on campus. </p>

<p>I think the lack of info about Burke on here is due to the fact this board is populated mostly by honors & scholarship students and parents who’s kids all live in the suites because it’s part of their scholarship package. </p>

<p>I really don’t think you can go wrong with either option. Good luck and Roll Tide!!</p>