Housing Help and Additional Resources

<p>Hey guys,
I am going to apply for housing at Purdue and am a little confused. The website stated that each person is assigned a "random number" for priority. Does this mean it doesn't matter when you apply for housing everyone will still have an equal chance of getting their choice of housing? Also, any suggestions on what housing for a first year engineering major? Purdue Village seems to expensive but I really don't want to have bunk beds all year like the Cary Quadrangle. Also, are there any other forums besides college confidential that students at Purdue use a lot?</p>


<p>-Yes, everyone is given a random number so it really does not matter when you apply. Someone who applied the first day can still get their last choice dorm. </p>

<p>-Purdue Village is horrid. I really do not recommend living there and it is very far from where your engineering classes will probably be. I recommend either Cary, Owen, Wiley or Tarkington if you want to be relatively close to the engineering mall and in Owen, Wiley and Tark you’ll have the option to either loft, bunk, or leave your bed how it is. </p>

<p>-Try searching on Facebook for the “Purdue University Class of 2015” or something along those lines…there should be like 1,000+ students who have joined so you’ll know which group it is by how many students are listed.</p>

<p>I don’t think location matters your freshmen year since you won’t be at your academic building that much until your junior/senior year. I do agree that PV is pretty bad but I still think Shreve/Earhart/McCutcheon/Hillenbrand are top. They are the most expensive ones dorms on campus along with First Street Towers which you have to be an upperclassmen to live in. Owen, Wiley and Tark are pretty nice too. Cary’s freshmen rooms aren’t the greatest so I don’t recommend it as much.</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. Does anyone know what buildings I would most likely be going to as a first year engineering student, I want to pick one that’s close to my classes but I don’t know if I’m going to be doing mostly general education credits first year or more engineering oriented so I can’t till which dorms are closer.</p>

<p>Your classes will mostly be half engineering and half general studies. So the most likely buildings you’ll be in are the Physics building, Wetherill, Brown maybe, Armstrong, maybe Forney; and most likely Heavilon and/or Beering for COM 114 (speech) and ENGL 106 (english) classes. More in the engineering mall area. I don’t know but I’ve always had my classes in the same area, even freshmen year, so I think location matters a lot.</p>

<p>FYI: Do not ever, Ever, EVER get a meal plan. They’re a total ripoff, and you might find that the cost of having a meal plan is more expensive than buying all those meals individually.</p>

<p>Why do people keep saying this??</p>

<p>If you’re going to live in the dorm, you MUST get a meal plan. There is not an option to not get a meal plan. The dorm and the meal plan go together. I also don’t think they’re a ripoff. People can eat as much as they want per meal swipe. That’s the best case scenario for college students.</p>

<p>On-The-Go is the biggest rip off ever. You are essentially paying 10 bucks for 5 poptarts.</p>