Housing Link posted a while ago

<p>Hey, a few months ago [2 or 3], someone posted a link to a housing page put up by an nyu student. It was extremely informational, but I looked at it when I was still just a potential applicant. Now that I have been accepted, I cant find the link to the website anywhere. I was wondering if anyone knew it, or could decipher what I mean by the vague description, lol. It had pictures of every residence hall, and gave the pros and cons of each. I remember is said that a former nyu president lived in hayden, and that there were ghosts in certain residence halls and other nice tidbits of information. idk how else to describe it =[ Any help would be appreciated.</p>

<p>I think I remember what you are talking about- is it this one?
[nyuhousing</a> » home](<a href=“http://nyuhousing.wikispaces.com/]nyuhousing”>http://nyuhousing.wikispaces.com/)</p>

<p>in case the one that monologue posted wasn’t the one you meant, there’s also: [WSN</a> HOUSING GUIDE - SPRING 2008](<a href=“http://apps.nyunews.com/housing2008/index.php?pg=edletter]WSN”>http://apps.nyunews.com/housing2008/index.php?pg=edletter)</p>