I was just accepted into UF and I’ve been looking into housing options. I’ve been reading and doing a lot of research, and a lot of people seem to recommend Broward and another hall (Jennings I believe?) for freshmen due to the social aspects. However, I really do not want a typical style dorm with two people to a room and a communal bathroom. I’ve stayed in a dorm before and did not enjoy that.
I’m looking for a room where I have my own private space but also a roommate, so suite style. After more research, Infinity, Cypress, Springs, and Keys seem to fit this the most. Which of these is the best option?
Hey Abby, so when I first visited UF after getting accepted I spent the night at my friends’ dorm at Windsor Hall, which I really enjoyed. I ended up visiting Jennings for Preview and that immediately crossed the hall off as an option for the fall, because I didn’t like communal bathrooms or the way the rooms seemed a little prison-style. I ended up staying in Hume for summer b and Murphree for the fall/spring, but looking back I would have definitely chosen Windsor and gotten a two-bedroom or single style dorm, because they have singles with a kitchen and bathroom attached. It sounds like something you might be interested in!
Cypress is OK, but I don’t like the way the dorms look, and I’ve seen their communal bathrooms… yikes. I haven’t a clue where Infinity is. But Springs and Keys are far away from campus so I really wouldn’t recommend living there, you’d have to take a bus to get to class. Hope this helps!! And welcome to the gator nation
If you have any questions about organizations or anything else I’d love to help!
Cypress was re done and is a lot nicer now.
No, Cypress Hall is brand new. It just opened in Fall 2015. Please double check for accuracy before posting.
@NorthFLmomof2 Oops sorry, just repeating what my friend had told me, should’ve been more informed!