<p>Congrats to all of those who got accepted!</p>
<p>Has anybody returned their housing agreement and/or honors program application?</p>
<p>I got accepted about a weeks ago and was invited to apply for the honors program. I was wondering how soon I should try to get back to them with the honors application and the housing application. I applied ED to another school and will be hearing back by the 15th of December. I'd hate to put effort into the honors application and put $500 down for housing if I get in to another school by the 15th.</p>
<p>However with that said I definitely don't want to sacrifice my housing and honors program spot by waiting. Does anybody know how soon I should worry about getting this stuff to them? I know the honors deadline HAS to be in by the 1st of Feb and they recommend applying 2 weeks after a decision...</p>
<p>Anyone in a similar spot? Thanks.</p>