<p>hey i was wondering when do we have to pay the housing fee if we have "Plan G" and are receiving financial aid? Some of my friends have already paid, so I'm a bit worried. how am I supposed to pay for housing when financial aid isn't disbursed until the 18th?</p>
<p>It isn't officially due until October 1.</p>
<p>So you have 13 days to pay.</p>
<p>I'll buy you a drink when we start.</p>
<p>so when financial aid is disbursed, it should cover the housing costs? i read somewhere that we have to pay for housing ourselves through credit card or check. if we do that, do we just get the money from financial aid back through bruindirect?</p>
<p>It doesn't necessarily cover the housing costs; it depends on how much you get from finaid. You have to pay housing separate from BAR with a credit card or check. Obviously, if there is money leftover after paying the amount due on BAR, then the extra money will be deposited to your bank checking account. From there you can use the money however you like, including applying it towards housing.</p>