Housing Problem

<p>I’m currently a Junior studying engineering at UA with the NMF scholarship. Right now, I’m living in honors super-suite housing. The problem is that I’m no longer in the Honor’s college, meaning I can’t stay in my current dorm next semester. I completed the re-contracting application, signed the contract etc; however, I missed room selection. Housing emailed me saying HRC staff would select a room for me next semester. I assumed that I was going to be moved to Riverside/one of the non-honors suites, since that seemed to be what housing did in the past for students with housing scholarships, but yesterday, I got an email saying I’ve been assigned to Paty Hall next semester.</p>

<p>The main problem seems to be the new policy that
“Because of space that must be maintained for incoming freshmen, only current residents of Presidential Village, Bryant, Ridgecrest South, Ridgecrest East and West, Lakeside and Riverside will be able to select those residence halls during room selection.”</p>

<p>It seems that if you’re currently living in honors housing, and lose honors status, you won’t be able to get a suite-style dorm again. I’ve emailed housing, and they’ve said no room changes are being done right now. </p>

<p>Is anyone else in the same situation as me, or have advice on what I can do? I really do not want to live in Paty as a senior.</p>

<p>Visit the Housing Office in person and explain your situation to the person in charge. You were a current resident of the residence halls mentioned in the quoted rule and would thus be eligible to switch to another residence hall in the list.</p>

<p>It wouldn’t be difficult for Housing to move you to a different residence hall since incoming freshmen have not yet been assigned housing and UA makes no guarantees that they will be assigned a specific building. </p>

<p>Since you’re a rising senior, are you 21 or older? It might be a good idea to remind them of that as it’s not the best idea to let a 21-22 year old senior share a room with a 16-19 year old freshman.</p>

<p>SEA_tide gives great advice. Since you are currently in suite-style housing, I see no reason why you cannot move into non-honors suite-style housing, before incoming FR room selection. Because you are NMF, your housing is paid for by the university, correct? If so, be mindful of that: be gracious in your request to them and keep calm. And good luck!</p>

<p>Will they let you select East Edge?</p>

<p>Room selection is closed; I’m not even able to view what spots are available right now. </p>

<p>Thanks for the advice, I will try talking to the Housing office in person to see if they can help me.</p>

<p>Sea_tide is right.<br>
You tried email, now go straight to the housing department and ask to speak with a supervisor. Apologize for missing the deadline and be contrite and polite. Stay calm and collected and don’t panic, there should be plenty of time to work things out.
I would certainly emphasize the age difference especially if they wanted to place you in a double occupancy room. Don’t forget to mention your NMF status. Since Bama tries very hard to recruit NMF’s, it would be nice to be able to report that small issues like this can be handled fairly.
Let us know how things work out.
Try to go before the break.</p>