Housing question -- recontracting

<p>I know that Jan 2 is the date for recontracting for next year. My son will be a sophomore and he and two of his roommates are planning to stay together. Will this work the same way it did when we registered for housing the first time? Will students be issued proxy codes in advance? Will it basically be a race for the best rooms?</p>


Recontracting is a bit different than the process for incoming freshmen.</p>

When students apply for recontracting, it’s just an intent form. They won’t request a certain room or pay their deposit until they have been notified that they can continue through the process. There’s a few misconceptions in the questions/posts above, so let me try to clarify.</p>

<p>Recontracting – Jan. 2 – Feb. 1: current students tell us whether or not they’d like to return to on-campus housing. They do not indicate room/building preferences at this time.</p>

<p>Early Feb.: We will notify those students who will be allowed through the process as quickly as possible. Those students will have a certain number of days to pay their deposit.
Students who MAY be allowed to return will be placed on a waitlist, but are encouraged to consider off-campus housing in order to secure their residence plans for the next year as quickly as possible.</p>

<p>Those who do not meet the deadline will be removed from the process in order to give the spot to a student on the waitlist. This process will go on until all the spaces for returning students have been filled (before you ask :slight_smile: – I have no idea what that number will be…. None of us do until we see how many students applied for recontracting) </p>

Returner Room Selection will take place in late Feb.- early March. We’ll post this schedule closer to that time. But first, students have the opportunity to “stay put” and pick the same place they currently live in. Then, they will have the opportunity to pull roommates into the space as well. Then, the students will have the opportunity to select a space within the same community, but in a different room. </p>

<p>After this, rising seniors will have the chance to pick any space on campus. Then, rising juniors and then rising sophomores (I think this is the part of the process that makes folks think we’ve change the order of priority for recontracting this year… even though not part hasn’t changed in several years)</p>

<p>Any returning students that are going to go through returner room selection will be given a proxy code, which will allow other returners to pull them into spaces if they choose to do so.</p>

<p>The returners go through room selection before any freshmen, so they have a lot of freedom of which space they want to choose. It shouldn’t feel like much a race in returner room selection. That part will be fairly easy, with freedom for the students to choose to stay put or move to a different building, etc.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>What are the odds of 3 rising sophomore NMFs and 1 non-housing scholarship student having a suite together in honors if they are presently in Riverside or lakeside?</p>

<p>I’d say that if they all get the nod to re contract that their odds are great for picking a suite. whether they each get to re contract is the Big Lottery question.</p>

<p>not knowing how many students wish to re contract at this point, makes it impossible to determine the odds!</p>

<p>Thanks. that’s what I figured. 3 will definitely be able to contract. I was just wondering if the re-contracting juniors and seniors split so many suites there would not be many completely open suites.</p>

<p>well, according to the housing post above, since returning students get to pick rooms before freshman, there should be plenty of open rooms, right?</p>

<p>Right. </p>

<p>My personal opinion is that upperclassmen are more likely to choose singles or pre-pick their roommates if they don’t want to live with random freshmen, so my guess is they’re more likely to pick to live together.</p>

<p>That’s not a hard and fast rule, just my thought.</p>


<p>Can a returning student keep “shopping” for a room after they have chosen a room? </p>

<p>For example, my sophomore daughter may want to find a double or single room (she currently lives in a 4 person suite). She would prefer to stay in her current room IF she can’t find a double or single. Can she choose her current room and then look for other open rooms during the appropriate times or are they shut out once they choose a room?</p>

<p>Last year she was pulled into her current suite, so we didn’t look to find out.</p>

<p>I think your D should choose her current room at the appropriate time. </p>

<p>Then, when the time to choose a different dorm community opens up, she should choose any room there. Then try and get the actual room she wants.</p>

<p>That’s my understanding of the process. This may have to be accomplished over several different days. (Refer to post #2 above). HTH</p>

<p>That is the way I read it also, but since there has never been reference to the “shopping” process for upperclassmen like there has been for incoming freshman, I just wanted to make sure it was possible.</p>

<p>BamaMomof3, yes they can change their own assignment. I would recommend that your student select his or her own space first, then their preferred option the day that it opens up (i.e. same building, same community, different community, etc.) </p>

<p>There will be a few days to make changes at the end, however, it’s important to know that upperclassmen do NOT have unlimited time to make changes to their assignments. We will close off returner room selection after a a few days in order to prepare for freshman room selection.</p>

<p>I’d say there’s time to make a change, but not to be indecisive. Does that help?</p>


<p>Excellent! That helps a great deal! Thank you!</p>

<p>Will recontracting rising sophomore students with a housing scholarships choose before recontracting rising sophomore students without the scholarship?</p>

<p>No, the housing scholarship does not give you any priority over others in your class when going through returner room selection.</p>

<p>Thank you for the clarification UAHousing!</p>