Housing Question: Starkey Apartments?

<p>I found out that I will be staying at the Starkey apartments in Cook campus and I was wondering:
1) Are all the apartments built for four people? I assume it's 2 bedrooms with 2 people/room or do we each get our own room.
2.) Does anyone have any pictures of it?
3.) What do the rooms look like? Are they nice? (specifics would be nice like how big the rooms are, how clean the building/room are, etc)
4.) Are the floors co-ed or is one floor for girls one for boys, etc?
5.) for classes that will be in Busch Campus is there a bus station near the apartment to get to Bush for my classes or would I have to walk/bike a distance to get to one and how long would it take to get to Bush from the bus station?
6.) Most of my classes will be at the cook/douglass campus when I look at the map the buildings my classes are in seem far away from the apartments- Is there a bus the goes through the cook/douglass campus so I could get to my classes faster?
Thanks for the Help :)</p>

<li>its 2 bedrooms, each with 2 people. each apartment also has a bathroom, and a kitchen/living room area.</li>
<li>rooms are cinder blockish (i think), painted white. its your typical dorm room size for 2 people</li>
<li>floors are coed, but each apartment is single sex. 6 apartments per floor, 4 floors per swipe entrance.</li>
<li>the best way to get to busch would be to walk to the lipman hall bus stop (about a 10 min walk from starkeys) and take the rex b to busch. it comes about every 20 or so minutes. or you could take the ee or f from biel road (about 4 min from starkey) to college hall and transfer there to the rex b. from lipman to busch on the rex b would take about 15 minutes without any wait.</li>
<li>the ee and f both go through cook douglass. biel road is the closest stop to you. for hickman get off at gibbons and for hsb, bio, or ruth adams get off at college hall. but if its nice outside walk. its much nicer that way</li>