Housing Question

<p>* As far as I know, there are not many scholarships that cover room except the Fellowes and the National Merit Finalist. At least, that is what my research indicates. I really appreciate all those who have “been there” giving out information to others.*</p>

<p>The far majority who get housing scholarships are National Scholars (about 140 per year)…which at this point, there are only semi-finalists…which is why I believe that the Zgrace used that words “hopefully.”</p>

<p>(The good news for Zgrace is that all the NMF rejection letters have already been sent out, so if she didn’t receive one, she’s made it! Congrats!) </p>

<p>There are a small number of scholarships Academic Elite scholarships (which are ONLY given to a few of the UFE students) and a few Crimson scholarships that have housing scholarships. Crimson Scholarships have some very stiff competition and are typically given to a few students with really high stats and high class ranking.</p>

<p>I had forgotten about the Crimson Scholarship. Those are really better than NMF because you can live off campus after the first year. My D has the stats for it. Our local association gives two or three scholarships, but I don’t know for how much. Off topic: Does anyone know if there is a limit to what scholarships will pay when you get them from several different sources. There is a chance D will get some small outside scholarships that I assume will be paid to the college of her choice. Does U of A refund these to the student each year after tuition is paid? wait until graduation and refund excess? or lessen what they pay if the student is covered? Also momof3boyz, when did AL let you know what kind of scholarship you had as far as NMF? I have read that it can be as late as June.</p>

<p>Alabama does refund any excess scholarship monies once fees and meal plans have been paid for each semester. The spring refunds usually come out in late January to early February. The fall ones are in late September to October. As for National Merits, they receive their scholarships in mid-March if they have listed Alabama as their first choice. Hope that helps.</p>

<p>^So, is it okay if the student doesn’t choose a first-choice college by March 1? At Bama, will an NMF still be gauranteed the NMF package as long as he/she reports Bama as a first-choice school, even if the student doesn’t report such a thing until, say, mid-April? Isn’t the deadline to report, as far as NMSC is concerned, May 31?</p>

<p>(I can’t see any reason for my son to wait THAT long … but we do feel that, in our situation, it’d be wiser to wait until all packages are in from all schools. Will that be a problem with Bama’s NMF package? He LOVES Bama … and he’ll likely end up there … but can he wait?)</p>

<p>Just a clarification for housing:</p>

The scholarship pays:
the 4 years of on-campus housing at regular room rate*, based on assignment by Housing and Residential Communities (or $2,000 per year housing allowance if student lives off-campus after first year)</p>

<p>Honors suite style housing costs $3750 per semester, so the student would lose a significant amount of money if they moved off campus.</p>

<p>Wow! Thanks for all the support folks. </p>

<p>aglages stated: “I don’t understand the relevance of your son having been a NMF student three years ago to this topic or your post. Why did you include this unrelated information?”</p>

<p>aglages, I don’t understand why you felt the need to question how my son’s first hand experience with the NMF housing scholarship and roommate selection was not relevant to the OP. If you review my posting history, I have always tried to share information that is relevant to the subject and thread. Posters that stir up trouble are easily exposes when others take time to review the trouble maker’s posting history. In NO WAY do I have an attitude or need to boast on my child’s accomplishments. Parents and students seek answers to their questions on CC and I have been a loyal poster for five years. My reputation speaks for itself. (Does yours?)</p>

<p>My pointing out that my son is in his third year student at Bama merely offers a time line. He has gone through the Housing Re-contracting process twice and has been unable to room with his best friend and team mate two years in a row. For anyone not familiar with the Bama Housing contract and room selection process, rooms are selected on-line. Honors students (with or without a housing scholarship) are able to select a room in most of the dorms. An honors student does NOT have to select a room reserved for Honors, however, once they select a non Honors room they most likely will not be able to select an Honors room in the following year(s). A student that does not have “Honors” status CAN NOT select a room reserved for “Honors”.</p>

<p>Before the Room Selection computer system is activated, the Housing and Residential Communities Department assigns each bed in each dorm a classification. Beds that were classified and reserved for Honors students in 2008 have changed each year. For example, Riverside was designated Honors in the fall of 2008. Since then, Riverside is not just for Honors. My son considered getting into the new Ridgecrest towers the first year they opened but, even though he was an upperclassman and Honors student, the Ridgecrest dorms were reserved for incoming Freshmen and some athletes.</p>

<p>SimpleLife: Your son officially does not need to lock in with one National Merit offer until late April. My son made his decision to list Alabama as his first choice a couple of months earlier, but he was still receiving National Merit offers until late April. Your son could list Alabama as his top choice and always switch if he got a better deal elsewhere.</p>

<p>^Thanks, momreads! I appreciate it. I don’t want to interrupt this thread any more than I already have … I’m going to start a new thread to learn more about this. :)</p>


I never questioned why (or whether) you should mention that your son was a third year student at UA. The question was about the relevance of your son having been a NMF student to the OP’s question regarding roommate selection.</p>

<p>aglages - why are you even in this thread?</p>

<p>agalges: NOW you have my dander up! </p>

<p>Those of us who are long term readers and short term posters know the significance of ALL the information posted here on UA’s forum. Perhaps some info may be extraneous to you however, that info may help someone else in their decision making. </p>

<p>You are being obnoxious by posting over and over again. These threads have always been friendly and you are not being that. Please refrain from being rude and let us continue to enjoy the benefits that we reap from posters like momof3boyz.</p>

<p>Momof3boyz: I have always enjoyed reading your posts and look forward to continuing doing so. Roll Tide!!!</p>

<p>It is ok if a student doesn’t name a first choice by March 1st. TimeFlew’s D didn’t even apply to Bama until late in March or early in April (if I remember correctly). TimeFlew can correct me if I’m wrong about that. </p>

<p>however, keep in mind that the later you submit your deposits, the harder it is to get better housing choices. Bama usually sets aside a certain number of honors housing for NMFs who haven’t yet decided, but those “set aside rooms” are usually in Riverside North (which isn’t bad at all, but is a bit further away).</p>

<p>* when did AL let you know what kind of scholarship you had as far as NMF? I have read that it can be as late as June.*</p>

<p>Can you clarify? not sure what you’re asking when you ask about “what kind of scholarship”… NMFs all get the same scholarship and they’re notified after finalists are announced…so NMFs get their scholarship in writing in late Feb/early March (I believe). </p>

<p>But, again, if any (similarly ranked) school offers you more merit awards, please let Bama know. Bama may not care if a student gets more from a lowly ranked school, but if you get more merit awards from a rather similar school, Bama may try to match it.</p>

<p>^really, m2ck? That’s pretty awesome! Did not know that!</p>

<p>My son has made his housing deposit, btw. That way, he won’t lose out on housing no matter when he declares NMF 1st choice. :)</p>

<p>I can’t guarantee that Bama will match another (similar) school’s NMF offer, but no one should just assume that Bama won’t and not at least give Bama an opportunity.</p>


Oh No!!! Say it ain’t so.

Let you? Help yourself. Did you know her son was a NMF student three years ago? Important information for those with roommate questions.</p>

<p>MikeWozowski: Son is eligible for Honors housing.</p>


<p>Actually, from your posts, I really thought you were a young person - because I’ve seen those kind of posts from kids. Now that I know that you’re a parent, I’m sure I speak for a few here that your posts on this thread have not been very adult-like. </p>

<p>What possible reasons can you give for being rather nasty to a another poster who is just trying to help the OP - even if that help may include info which you may not understand may be helpful? It just has been an unnecessary display of snarky behavior.</p>

<p>aglages, your banter is not welcome here. PLEASE go find another school’s forum to stir up trouble. Are you not able to comprehend what the rest of us have posted? </p>

<p>Three years… time-line… providing first hand knowledge and two years experience with the room and room mate selection process. OP asked for input that is relevant to her situation. Don’t bother trying to explain how any of your posts are relevant to the OP. You have NOTHING to explain!</p>

<p>You just don’t get it, do you? Have you heard the phrase: “people in glass houses should not throw stones”? I reviewed your posting history. This is not the first time you have derailed a thread to expose your lack of maturity. I hope your son has not acquired your interpersonal skills.<br>
Now go have a good day. : )</p>

<p>aglages -----------------------></p>

<p>(that means leave)</p>