Housing Question

<p>algages, I don’t want to get in your crosshairs or anything, but really … I don’t get why you were so clearly irritated with momof3boyz’ post.</p>

<p>I’m not sure anybody here can see a reason for your hostility. TRULY … her post seemed relevant. It’s relevant that he’s NMF (hence in honors housing) and that it’s been 3 years (therefore, re-applying for housing). Didn’t strike me as boasting AT ALL. </p>

<p>And, after skimming several pages of your past history (only after you chose to “get back in the game” here about an hour ago), I actually DON’T see a history of snarky posts. Just the kinds of posts we all make, really. So SOMETHING must have gotten your goat (or as my oldest used to say as a toddler – caught your donkey). </p>

<p>Can we just let it go now? Let bygones be bygones? I don’t think you’re going to get anywhere with this crowd. We all like momof3boyz! :)</p>

<p>I saw that your daughter was, at one time, looking at Bama for nursing. (I think that’s right – like I said, I basically just skimmed.) She chose Pitt, right? Another great school with great scholarships! Good for her! (and you!)</p>

<p>Do you have another coming up on his/her college freshman year? Bama seems like a super great deal!! Amazing honors program. Great scholarships. And a lot of great academic programs. Plus, it’s beautiful! :slight_smile: We can welcome you into the fold here … it’s a friendly place to be!</p>

<p>If one of your kids is on the college hunt, good luck to you guys! It’s an anxiety-producing process, I think. Especially during this phase of the game – once all applications are in and the waiting begins…</p>

<p>What I meant was Do all NMF get Merit Scholarships from U of A? Is there any guarantee that she will get the scholarship just because she is a finalist? I was wondering when your son was notified that he indeed had a scholarship. Were you offered any others? BTW you were right on target about OP who meant exactly what you thought by saying “hopefully…” I’m sure having been through the same situation, you had similar thoughts when planning costs.</p>

<p>robotbldmom " Honors suite style housing costs $3750 per semester, so the student would lose a significant amount of money if they moved off campus. "</p>

<p>Actually the student is not losing anything since they don’t get that money at all if they don’t live on campus. At least the crimson scholarship will pay $2000 for off campus which is better than no money. The other scholarships don’t even give the student the option of a campus apt of their choosing.</p>

<p>@ girlzmom2: yes all NMF will get a scholarship from UA. Even if they apply late. There is a question on the FAQ about applying by the December 1st deadline. The UA answer: “If you do not meet the December 1 priority date for scholarships, we still encourage you to apply for admission. If you are named a National Merit or Achievement Finalist in the spring, we will award you with those packages.”</p>

<p>The only thing that could be an issue would be the laptop; per the website: “if you list The University of Alabama as your college of choice with the National Merit Corporation by their designated deadline and register for any Bama Bound orientation session by June 1, you will receive a free laptop computer when you enroll.”</p>

<p>Thanks RobD<br>
The National Merit website is almost like reading a contract or something. I read and re-read it and I still was not sure if she would get it automatically from AL or if they had a certain amount and only x people who were finalists got them. From reading these forums, it seemed like lots of OOS NMSF were looking at U of A. (hopefully not all 15,000 lol) I also wondered if they would exclude her from consideration of some other scholarships because they could give her her Merit one.</p>

<p>girlszmom2: What I meant by “losing money” was the dollar buying power of the housing stipend. It is true that you could still get $2000 for off campus living, but where would you live nicely on that amount? In my opinion very little compares to the honors suite style of living. Of course it is nice to be able to make that choice.</p>

<p>how about “forfeiting money” </p>

<p>that seems accurate.</p>

<p>I understand what you mean. All I was saying originally was that it was nice that the crimson elite gave the student a choice to live off campus which they might want to do as an upperclassmen anyway. The other scholarships do not give this choice. Especially if a student had the option to live with friends/relatives but still needed to contribute to living expenses.</p>

<p>EVERY National Merit Finalist who goes to Bama gets the NMF scholarship…whether 100 go…or 200 go. Usually the number is around 90-120. Bama doesn’t have an upper limit number on how many it will award.</p>

<p>I guess, in theory, Bama could get bombarded with “too many” NMFs (and that did happen with National Hispanic), but Bama honored its offer, and then changed that policy during a later admission season. </p>

<p>Bama has used computer modeling and knows that it is likely going to get 80-150 NMFs in any given year. At most, Bama will get 175-200 in any year (about the number that Oklahoma gets.) </p>

<p>So, no, Bama is not going to say to your D…“you’re going to get another (lesser) scholarship”. If your D makes NMF (which she will since she didn’t get a rejection letter earlier this month), and she goes to Bama, she will get the NMF scholarship on the website. </p>

<p>Sometime after the Feb announcement of NMFs, your D will get - in writing - the full NMF offer from Bama. Don’t worry! It’s not a fake promise!</p>

<p>As long as Bama keeps The Bluff as an option…an NMF student can move off-campus to The Bluff and live with friends…and use the scholarships.</p>

<p>I completely realize that this is off topic and i’m sorry, but I wish college confidential had a like button :slight_smile: and for honors housing, is it guaranteed even if you don’t turn in your housing deposit until… February 28th? or can you lose your honors spot in housing even if you have been accepted to the honors program? I’m just worried that I won’t be able to get honors housing because I haven’t made my enrollment/housing deposit yet because I want to be absolutely sure of my NMF status… so I’m worried it will effect my ability to get honors housing. I don’t really care about roommates, as I won’t know anyone until i get there.</p>

<p>mom2collegekids – thanks so much for that reassurance! DH keeps saying, “It’s too good to be true!” Especially after the CRUMMY experiences we’ve had with our in-state NC schools, which obviously do not care two figs about rewarding (or retaining) NMFs…we’ve grown cynical and gun-shy. </p>

<p>I wonder whether the number of NMFs flooding into Bama will increase as more people learn about this opportunity? I for one would never have known about but for you, m2ck!</p>

<p>I’m predicting a brain-drain from states whose schools have parsimonious scholarship policies! ;-)</p>

Bama certainly benefits by offering these scholarships…The NMF, the Presidential, and even the UA Scholar bring in lots of OOS kids.</p>

<p>For many kids, even getting the UA Scholar scholarship brings the cost down to less than their instate flagship. And, if they want “big sports” as well, then… Roll Tide!</p>