Housing Question

<p>How much is the enrollment fee and housing deposit?</p>

<p>It looks like the enrollment fee is $200 and the housing fee is $250.</p>

<p>I just googled UA enrollment and UA housing and got these 2 websites. There is a lot of great info on these pages and on the links. </p>

<p>Last year, when I was researching with my D (daughter), we read everything. It’s fun and gets you vested in the school.</p>

<p>[Student</a> Affairs | Housing & Residential Communities](<a href=“http://housing.ua.edu/]Student”>http://housing.ua.edu/)</p>

<p>[Freshman</a> Checklist - Undergraduate Admissions - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://gobama.ua.edu/steps/freshmanchecklist.html]Freshman”>http://gobama.ua.edu/steps/freshmanchecklist.html)</p>

<p>Good luck! Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thanks that helps a lot.</p>

<p>So the fees come to $450, but NMF get free room. Do we still pay the fees?<br>
DD doesn’t even officially know if she’ll be a NMSF, but we are assuming. So in fact, are they not guaranteed honors housing if she doesn’t decide on a school until April?</p>


<p>Enrollment Fee $200 (nonrefundable)</p>

<p>Housing Deposit $250 ($25 application fee-nonrefundable, $225 prepayment-refundable)</p>

<p>If your child does not end up attending UA you will be out $225. OTOH, if you pay the Enrollment Fee AND the Housing Deposit prior to Oct. 20th* your child will have the luxury of choosing their housing early and the opportunity to pull in roommates of their choosing. It’s really worth the peace of mind if there is a good chance she’ll end up at UA.</p>

<li>- Last year’s date, may be different for 2011.</li>


<p>NMFs still pay deposits…but the housing deposit is reimbursed after the student enrolls.</p>

<p>*So in fact, are they not guaranteed honors housing if she doesn’t decide on a school until April? *</p>

<p>There’s a BIG difference between being guaranteed honors housing AND getting the honors res hall that you WANT and getting to choose a suitemate or two.</p>

<p>NMF’s that apply are reserved a bed in Riverside North Honors dorm, and they can change that if they send in deposits early. If a NMF deposits late, then he/she may not have the opportunity to change to more favored honors dorm.</p>

<p>Also…I think there was a change this year that if you start in one particular honors dorm, then you can’t choose a different honors hall the following year.</p>

<p>Others can correct me if I misunderstood that change. In the previous years, an honors student who was in - say Riverside West, could choose Lakeside West the following year. It seems like this year, you couldn’t change halls.</p>

<p>But, maybe I’m wrong.</p>

<p>Returning honors students could definitely choose a different honors dorm. There were some restrictions with Bryant Hall (non-honors) and students living in Rose Towers (also non-honors) were not allowed to recontact for Rose Towers as it became a freshman-only dorm for this year. Students currently living in Rose Towers will definitely not be allowed to recontract for next year as the building will be demolished in late May.</p>

<p>D changed her honors dorm this year. She was a freshman in Ridgecrest West last year, but is in Ridgecrest South-North Tower this year.</p>

<p>Thanks for the clarification. Since the issue didn’t affect us, I wasn’t sure of what I was remembering. I suspected that I might not have it right.</p>

<p>Yes, Honors students could change their residence dorms this year, many students I know did just that.</p>