Housing Question

<p>I’m living in Riverside North in a 4-bedroom suite. One of my suitemates and I had agreed to switch bedrooms, however we waited too long and now you can’t swap rooms anymore. Would it be a problem if we just swapped rooms anyway, or do we need to “officially” do it? If so is there any way to still do that?</p>

<p>Switching rooms unofficially would definitely present some issues. If you ever lost your key or got locked out and your roommate wasn’t around, they wouldn’t be able to let you into the room you aren’t officially assigned to. You also would be responsible for any damages that occurred in the room to which you are assigned, even if you’re not the one living there.</p>

<p>I would call housing and ask them if there’s a way to switch.</p>

<p>Ah yeah, you’re right. I’ll give them a call. Thank you!</p>

<p>Call and ask for Judy or Tonya. They’ll ask for emails/calls from both students involved in the switch, but it should be fine.</p>