Housing question

<p>Does anyone know which dorms fill quickest? Is it true that some rooms are held back for availability those with a later time selection? Thanks!</p>

<p>I’m glad you asked this. We get both of these questions often, and I’d love to shed some light.</p>

<p>Ridgecrest South tends to fill up quickly, just because it’s exactly what the students see when they visit. Tutwiler also tends to fill up fairly quickly. Although, it’s our hope that with the changed room selection process for incoming freshmen this year that we will have more rooms available for students when it’s time to get an assignment.</p>

<p>Also, with the other half of Ridgecrest South becoming Honors, there may be less of a rush on that building as in years past. Those non-Honors students who normally would have been hurrying to find space in South Tower will be spread out among their preferences of Lakeside, Riverside and Presidential.</p>

<p>In terms of the information that Housing holds back space, that would be unfair to those people who applied early according to our communications. We do not hold back space for students who apply later. To do so would penalize those students who checked our deadlines and applied early.</p>

<p>What DOES happen is the natural coming and going of students who change their minds about their school of choice. We WILL have students who cancel their housing assignment after they’ve chosen a space because they’ve decided to go elsewhere. So yes, there will be space that opens up later in the spring and early summer. This is not a Housing decision, but a part of the process when that many students are involved.</p>

<p>I hope these answers help. :slight_smile: There are some things that we’ve changed that make it hard for anybody to predict how the buildings will fill this year, and I don’t think it will follow the patterns of the past.</p>

<p>Thank you,
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Great info, as usual. Thank You!</p>

<p>I have a question concerning Tut. Are the room numbers listed for the students to choose from? My D and her roommate really do not want one of the rooms ending in 45. They also want a lower floor. Will they be able to pick a floor and a room?</p>

<p>Thank you for the quick reply! Very helpful!</p>

<p>in the past you have been able to pick the exact floor, room and bed you want. i expect that will be unchanged.</p>

<p>Students that go through online room selection will be able to choose a floor and a room.</p>

<p>For students that may be assigned to Tutwiler after online room selection is over, they may not get a choice of rooms.</p>

<p>To shed a light (I like this saying!) on the Tutwiler -45 rooms, these are considered a kind of overflow room. The demand for Tutwiler was so high that students who wanted to live with their preferred roommate were willing to take a smaller room in order to do so.</p>

<p>As spaces open up Tutwiler throughout the year, we offer the option to move to these students first before anyone else can move. Often these students choose to stay in their -45 rooms wiht their preferred roommates.</p>

<p>UAHousing, </p>

<p>During DD’s assigned time, she will try to get an Honors Suite for herself and three identified roommates.</p>

<p>I think I understand that she will select a suite from those available, and then select her own room. She will then select rooms for each of the three RMs. </p>

<p>What is to stop someone else claiming one of the rooms before she can type in all the IDs???</p>

<p>Is the Suite frozen while someone is selecting rooms within it???</p>

<p>Just trying to understand the possible scenarios. TY</p>

<p>Yes, once she places herself in a suite, the other available spaces in the suite will be locked to anyone else for 5 minutes.</p>

<p>This video will explain how to go through the room selection process:
[How</a> to Select a Space Online - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>Don’t judge me for only having one video up! I’m working on creating the others :)</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>Janine - that video was very helpful! Will the next one continue the process and show how to pull in roommates? Five minutes isn’t very long, so we want to be sure we know how to do it.</p>

<p>Janine, will returning students find out today if they are able to recontract for next year? My D and her roommates are all anxiously awaiting an email to find out if they can remain on campus. </p>


<p>Have all roommate names and proxies in a word document so you can just cut and paste, instead of typing in all the info. Much quicker!</p>

<p>lisa6191, yes. the next video in the series is how to add roommates.</p>

<p>linnylu, I expect emails to go out this afternoon barring any unforeseen circumstances here on campus… server crash, snow on the road, another national championship parade (I kid).</p>

<p>great suggestion, robotbldmom! It’s always best to have proxy codes written down ahead of time so you don’t waste time with typos.</p>

<p>We missed the deadline because of unforseen things happening over the holidays and applied for housing on January 2nd. Will those that missed the date be given choices based on when they paid the housing?</p>

<p>It looks like the recontracting emails are being sent now. (Check your crimson account.)</p>

<p>My D (current freshman) is able to recontract. That is a HUGE relief.</p>

<p>D (current first year) gets to stay on campus next year! Woohoo! Made the latte family happy. :)</p>

<p>No word here. Is anyone still waiting to here about recontracting housing for next year?</p>

<p>Still waiting to hear about recontracting. We did not receive any notification yet.</p>

<p>I take back my previous post, S did receive recontracting info today in his Crimson account.
This is part of the e-mail: </p>

<p>I am pleased to tell you that you are now eligible to complete the online recontracting process and receive on-campus housing for 2013/2014. In order to maintain your eligibility for housing, and take part in online room selection, you must submit your housing contract and $250.00 deposit ($25.00 application fee and $225.00 prepayment). You may submit these from 8:00 a.m. on February 6-11:59 p.m. on February 11. Students who do not submit their contract and deposit by the February 11 deadline will no longer be eligible for campus housing.</p>

<p>Once you have successfully submitted your contract and deposit, you will be able to take part in room selection according to the following schedule. Please note, your academic classification is what the Registrar considers your classification to be, based on hours.</p>

<p>DS, who will be a Jr in the fall, was not offered recontracting yesterday. Gotta start over. =&lt;/p>