Housing question?

<p>are we allowed to pick which building we want to live in? or do we not any any control over that</p>

<p>Assuming you got your housing forms and deposit in on time, you will be able to pick what room you want in the building you want. But, it will depend on what slot you end up with in the housing selection process. If you are late in the process it is possible that a particular building will already be full.</p>

<p>Not saying that is likely, but it is possible.</p>

<p>It depends when you made your housing deposit. When my D went through housing selection she chose her building, her suite and her room within the suite. She also chose her roommates. Even if you didn’t deposit early enough, if you have a roommate who deposited early enough, he/she can pull you in to the room of your choice. </p>