Housing Question

I know nobody can answer this with a degree of certainty, but what are someone’s chances of getting into either Sellery or Witte if they listed them as 1 and 2? Generally speaking.

Also, does anyone have any stories of putting these two down as 1 and 2 and ending up at Lakeside or vice versa? Thanks!

To get a Southeast dorm be sure you have listed all of those before any Lakeshore dorms. Some will get their first choice of dorm. All you can do is list your favorites and see what happens.

If you applied before the deadline you will most likely end up in one of those two if you listed them as your top choice. Each hold about 1,100 students, 99% freshmen so most students end up there. I know tons of people who had sellery/witte as their 6th and 7th choice and still ended up there.

@lnsu22 do most freshman not put down sellery/witte as their top choice?

Consider that Sellery and Witte are much larger than most of the Lakeshore dorms. And no, I do not think most students put any specific dorm down – there are too many freshmen with varied choices for that to be meaningful. More, maybe. Statistically, if you have those listed first, and there are proportionately many students who list smaller or newer dorms, you have a better likelihood.

Other than that, be patient. Nobody is able to divine the answer. Good luck.

Students have to rank every dorm.

Strangely enough, the UW Housing website claims that you have an equal chance at being assigned your first choice as your last choice.

There are close to 20 dorms students must rank.

The email with the housing assignment comes around May 23.

Think of a coin toss- 50-50 chance of heads or tails regardless of other tosses. Do not waste time obsessing about getting your top choice. Be prepared to be first/last in the lottery and getting your first to last choice. No matter where you end up you will be on campus with other students who chose UW.

@Madison85 that can’t be the case as approximately 2,000 of the 6,300 or so freshman will live in Sellery/Witte. If 2,500 freshman make that their first and second choice (a number I am completely making up) it’s not as if each of those students who made sellery/witte their top two choices have the same chances at ending up on Lakeside as a kid who put a lakeside dorm down as their first choice?

I didn’t say it was accurate or inaccurate. I said it was a claim on the UW Housing website.


“If you decide you would rather not live in a learning community, you will instead go through our mass assignment process. This computerized system does not guarantee assignment to your first choice hall since you have an equal chance of being assigned to your first or last choice.”

@sbobman yes a lot of students list them as their first choice but they hold so many that most likely they end up there. There are popular dorms like Liz waters, Smith, Dejope that a lot of people list as their top choices but don’t get into and sometimes end up in Sellery or Witte instead.

@sbobman although there are also a lot of freshmen who don’t list it as their first choice because of the party reputation they have