Housing question

<p>Which UCs allow freshmen to get singles?</p>

<p>I think they theoretically allow all freshman, but the ones where you're most likely are probably Merced, and Riverside because they aren't considered full yet. If you're a Regents scholar you're more likely to get at least a double, but Berkeley and LA are pretty much no-go's. Depending on your college at SD, you might have some luck with it as well.</p>

<p>Ok. So At berkeley and LA, its impossible to get a single for freshmen? But at SD its possible. ok. I'm not asking about this year's housing. I'm talking about in general because I'm applying for UC's this upcoming fall and want to know which UCs offer singles to incoming freshmen.</p>

<p>You're not getting a single at Riverside, trust me</p>

<p>I can't even get a single at riverside if im applying next year? omg class of 08 are already applying for housing before even applying wow. I guess i better start working on it.</p>

<p>I think you can get a single at either UCSC or Irvine. When I visited Santa Cruz last summer I met a girl who worked at the bookstore, and she told me she had a single first year and wished she had gotten a double, because she said she felt kind of isolated. But second year she was an RA and got a single again, but meets a lot of people now doing that and the bookstore.</p>

<p>Well for UCSD, I know that Warren and Muir are high in-demand colleges because they're...well, good, so the chances of getting a single are pretty low. If you try your luck at Revelle or the newer colleges like ERC or 6th, you have a better chance, but honestly a roommate is not the end of the world. I had the same mentality when I applied for housing and I sorta still do, but in a lot of cases roommates turn out to be free friends that you don't have to break into a clique to get to know. Even if you get a single, it's not as though you can study in your room or such since your door's more or less going to be open most of the time.</p>