<p>wait is stony brook building new dorms? and if so will they be available of fall 2009?</p>
<p>I also have a housing question: How are roommates chosen? Do I fill out a survey that says if I stay up late/head to bed early, am messy/clean, smoker/non-smoker?</p>
<p>New dorms I have no idea about.</p>
<p>Your roommates are choosen by that, yes, but I’m not sure if it correctly does it. If you find someoen cool, you want to room with, you can prefer them.</p>
<p>No, the new buildings won’t likely be ready until Spring 2010, I think. So it’ll be tight this fall, which means two things. One, GET YOUR DEPOSITS IN EARLY. The earlier you get them in and complete your new student preferences form, the higher you’ll be on the priority list.</p>
<p>Two, expect to be tripled. It’s really not the end of the world – I believe Zulj found two friends online (Facebook?) and was able to room with them. I don’t know what this year’s roommate survey looks like yet – I haven’t seen it – but how you rank the six Undergraduate Colleges ([Stony</a> Brook University Undergraduate Colleges](<a href=“http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/colleges/]Stony”>http://www.stonybrook.edu/sb/colleges/)) is the biggest factor in how you’re housed, and how likely you are to be roomed with your “preferred” roommates.</p>
<p>Yeah, I found 1 guy on facebook, and he was preferred to his best friend originally. A word of advice, do NOT room with someone and their best friend, they will try to control everything, and you will not be very happy with your roommates. Especially since mine think they rule the world and control the room.</p>
<p>Do psych majors live in the Kelly Quad?</p>
<p>I think it is under the “Human Developement” college, sounds about right.</p>
<p>Arts, Culture, and Humanities explores the making of art, the study of behavior, and the varieties of language, society, and culture that make up our world. TABLER QUAD</p>
<p>Global Studies focuses on the ways in which the modern world has become a single global community and the implications of this fundamental shift. ROOSEVELT QUAD</p>
<p>Human Development is devoted to the exploration of what it means to be human, in all its dimensions — physical, social, and cultural. KELLY QUAD</p>
<p>Information and Technology Studies is designed for students interested in the areas of technology development and information processing and management. MENDY QUAD #1 QUAD EVER</p>
<p>Leadership and Service explores the meaning of community service and leadership, regardless of the career a student chooses to pursue. H-QUAD</p>
<p>Science and Society is concerned with the power of creativity, emphasizing imagination, research, and discovery in a social context. ROTH QUAD</p>
<p>I’m confused about psych because under Arts, Culture, and Humanities, it says “the study of behavior” but when I visited their site, it had a bunch of art and music stuff. It being in something called Human Development, though, would make sense.</p>
<p>“The study of behavior” meaning the cultural aspect of behavior.</p>
<p>You can major in anything and live anywhere; you rank the six colleges in order of preference.</p>
<p>No restrictions at all.</p>
<p>Sounds good to me, thanks for clearing those two things up you guys</p>
<p>Yeah, np. If you want to know more about each quad, let me know. Yes, each quad has it’s own “group” of people, haha.</p>
<p>Which one’s the best?</p>