Housing Questions

<p>Thanks for the reply Janine. If the dining halls are open that is one way students can see who else is around during the holidays. </p>

<p>Thanks Janine! I had no idea the dining hall was open on Thanksgiving. Great to know!</p>

<p>One reason they’re open is that the Auburn game is in Tuscaloosa this year. A lot of students are staying on campus because of that. Next year, it’ll probably be dead. </p>

<p>My son stayed on campus last Thanksgiving and he said it was the worse week as no one (except, thankfully, one of his roommates) was on campus. He said that many students left the weekend before (although he had classes until Tuesday.) I was hoping that they would have the advertised dinner from 2012 but there was nothing. I believe Burke was open but he said that was “to far” to go everyday. He really made me feel guilty for not bringing him home, but he had a choice between Fall break and Thanksgiving and he chose Fall break. (Thanksgiving is so hectic and expensive as its traveling on Tuesday and coming back on Sunday with the rest of the world.) He survived and when I gave him a choice this year, he still picked Fall break. Basically he’s staying on campus for Thanksgiving because he wanted to go to his one and only Iron Bowl, plus his freshman brother (and other students) would be on campus this time. However, this year he did get an invite from his roommate. He hasn’t decided whether to go but hopefully he will refuse as his brother will be alone. It is his choice though.</p>

<p>If DS ends up at UA, I have told him he needs to consider the traditional dorms. He really likes the “suite” style, but I have told him the money saved he could use for travelling home more often.</p>

<p>How far ahead do they know when there are breaks and will need to travel? </p>

<p>The academic calendars are published WELL in advance. Here is the link to see what is coming up for the next 2 years: <a href=“http://registrar.ua.edu/academics/academic-calendars/”>http://registrar.ua.edu/academics/academic-calendars/&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Our son and one of his room mates (both OOS and in honors dorm) did not come home for Thanksgiving last year. I ordered a turkey dinner from Publix (closest grocery store to dorms) and they cooked it (basically reheated it) in the honors dorm (full kitchens are on 2nd/4th floors, if I recall). They had such a blast, they want to keep doing it as a yearly tradition!</p>