Housing recontracting -- HELP

<p>Something does not make sense to me, and I need it explained. It is my understanding that all Honors housing is being consolidated in the Ridgecrests for next year… right? Therefore, if my son (who is in Riverside) wants to stay in Honors housing, he has to move to one of the Ridgcrests… right?</p>

<p>So then somebody needs to explain this statement on the housing web page:</p>

<p>“Additionally, because of space that must be maintained for incoming freshmen, only current residents of Presidential Village, Bryant, Ridgecrest South, Ridgecrest East and West, Lakeside and Riverside will be able to select those residence halls during room selection.”</p>

<p>Does that mean my son can’t select a Ridgecrest dorm? Or does it mean that in order to pick ONE OF those dorms, he has to live in ONE OF those dorms… ??? Help!</p>

<p>Hi, it is my understanding that you have to live in one of the suite style dorms to pick one of them. Your son should be fine selecting the new honors dorm next year as I understand it.</p>

<p>You should call housing. I do think your S needs to choose his current room to start… Then as you are allowed to choose your housing, pick RCS or RW or RE to stay in honors.</p>

<p>Housing and Residential Communities | Box 870399 | Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 | (888) 498-BAMA or (205)348-667</p>

<p>slippy, If your student currently lives in one of the buildings listed above, then he can move into ANY of the buildings listed above. It doesn’t have to be the same building.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!</p>

<p>Perfect… thank you!</p>

<p>My student is a current Freshman, living in Presidential. Thankfully, he was able to re-contract for on-campus housing next fall.</p>

<p>He likes Presidential, but he is also interested in another suite-style building I now understand he would be eligible for if a space were available.</p>

<p>At a minimum, he doesn’t want to loose his spot in Presidential, but if possible, he would like to attempt to move.</p>

<p>So, given that scenario, on 2/21 does he then participate in the “stay put” process and if he does so, does that “lock him in” and prevent him from shopping for a different building on 2/28 because he chose to “stay put” on 2/21?</p>

<p>Just looking for the best route to take. Thank you.</p>

<p>rolltide90: Definitely have your S choose his current room on “Stay Put” day.</p>

<p>Then choose the other dorm room and building when that day opens up.</p>

<p>Are suites held back for freshmen, or do they just let the upperclassmen choose from everything that’s available. Presumably they’ve limited the number of returning students to insure there will be enough space left for the freshmen, but I’m wondering if they still limit the pool of rooms from which the upperclassmen can select.</p>

<p>Beth’s Mom: I think that is the million dollar question.</p>

<p>I could be wrong, but I think the details as to how they allocate for freshman is a rather closely guarded secret. My pure speculation is that they guesstimate what percentage of newly-accepted incoming on-campus students will actually enroll and attend, and then they must have a certain number they feel comfortable allowing returners to lay claim to. As all freshman who are not local are required to live on campus, you can rest assured there will be a space available to them. It may not be a preferred building, but there will be a bed. For cost reasons or other factors, some students may actually select a traditional space over suite-style.</p>

<p>I can only speak from our experience during room selection last year, but our S (1st year living in Presidential) decided on Bama in December of 2011, and we paid his deposit then.</p>

<p>During room selection in the Spring of 2012, when his “window” opened he was able to select Presidential at that time, but I think it filled rather quickly. We would check back in from time to time to see what else was available, because he was flirting with another suite-style building, and there would be an open room here and there.</p>

<p>Hi slippy 2000,</p>

<p>If your son is currently living in Honors Housing, in Riverside (a current location), he can choose to stay in Riverside, he can move to Honors Housing in its new locations, or he could chooose another suite-style building.</p>

<p>Alicia Browne
Housing and Residential Communities</p>

<p>I’m just curious. How many rising juniors and seniors got housing? Is there any chance than my son will get housing in the future?</p>

<p>Without having any real knowledge, I’m going to guess that no rising juniors or seniors (other than those with medical needs, housing scholarships or other special circumstances) got housing. From what we’ve read on this forum and from what I’ve heard from students, there are rising sophomores who applied on January 2 but didn’t get housing. Since rising sophomores were supposed to have priority over juniors and seniors, I can’t see how the juniors and seniors who don’t have some special circumstance would have gotten housing. Maybe UAHousing will weigh in with a better answer. However, next year may be different, as Presidential II should be open, and that’s a large building.</p>

<p>Is the roommate finder for freshman only?
Son is on housing scholarship so has housing for fall, but seems to not know anyone else who will still be living on campus next year.</p>

<p>Yes, roommate finder is for freshman only. </p>

<p>ParkTN, you should contact kjchpmom. Her son is in the same situation.</p>

<p>DS says that as far as he knows, none of the rising Sophs or Jrs in Bryant Hall were offered re-contracting.</p>

<p>My son also has a threesome again this year. The boys were in the same situation last year. They got a freshman frat boy as a fourth, and it was a nightmare for the boys. Drunk, vomiting all over the place, dumping fast food wrappers all over the common room. And yes, this was in an honors dorm.</p>

<p>The three boys are staying in Riverside because of its proximity to the engineering buildings. They’ve learned the hard way that being in an honors dorm does not guarantee you a studious roommate. Son lived in Ridgecrest over the summer and prefers Riverside to Ridgecrest.</p>

<p>Only my son and one suitemate, both rising seniors on scholarships, were offered housing for next year. Another friend on the floor is on housing scholarship and will stay put in Riverside as well. They are going to consolidate into one room, the single boy’s room. </p>

<p>It will be so strange, as my son has spent three years in the same room. He’s pulled others in over the years, but this will be the first time he makes a move himself. But, he’s doing a lot of new things this year, gaining a lot of independence, so I feel confident he’ll adjust.</p>

<p>I don’t think the boys have found a fourth, but I’m staying out of it. They will be on the fourth floor on Riverside West again, and I think they will be near the end of the halls. Son was in the second to last room the last three years, and I think his new room will be a mirror image on the other side of the elevators.</p>

<p>I don’t know if the parking issue at Riverside is being addressed. There is construction going on in the Riverside parking lot. Son has actually been parking in the Ferguson parking deck and walking to his dorm. But he only takes his car out on the weekend to go to Church and then to the grocery.</p>

<p>Freshman son (rising sophomore) was considering staying at Riverside next year with non-housing scholarship sophomores but decided against it as these boys will most likely be off-campus for their junior year, putting him in a difficult situation the following year to find non-freshman housing scholarship roommates who choose to live in non-honors. If Riverside was honors this year it would be a no brainer for him, but as it is not, it makes things much harder. Son is a CS/Math major, non-partier, quiet but fun, who wants to move into honors housing (probably Ridgecrest East as its closer to the engineering building and has the same layout as Riverside which he likes). If anyone has a housing scholarship son who needs a roommate and might be compatable, pm me for more information. (My son does NOT know I am doing this but…)</p>

<p>^^^So your son has non housing scholarship friends that were allowed to recontract? That’s great! Are they rising sophomores or rising juniors? I do understand your reluctance on your son’s part to stay with his group, as he’ll have to search again next year, as we do feel like we’re at freshman year all over again, trying to find matches.</p>

<p>I am hoping there will be some non honors, or honors, engineering majors left at Riverside, though probably underclassmen. I think that will be fine with the boys. We met a lot of engineering majors that were non honors by choice when we visited the school before enrollment, and I’m hoping like minded kids will choose Riverside just for the location.</p>

<p>Also, with the loss of East Edge and The Bluffs, there will probably not be enough room in the Ridgecrests to accommodate everyone, and there will be some spillage over to Riverside.</p>

<p>I think even some late deciders in past years had to go into Paty or other non honors dorms because they had late room selection, so the chance to live in suite style housing may be appealing to some over the traditional dorms.</p>

<p>Montegut, the non-housing scholarship friends were freshman now, sophomores next year. It sounds like some rising sophomores are getting to stay on campus, but some who applied at the same day/time aren’t…not sure why this is. I am sure there will be lots of engineering students staying at Riverside West, especially those who believe this might be there last year on campus. I’m sorry your son cannot room with one of his roommates from this year…I know alot of students are facing this.</p>