Housing - Roommate Requests - Accepting/Declining

<p>My son is very fortunate to already have a primary roommate who will be selecting his room for him when that primary roommate gets to choose a suite. We are very blessed and grateful.</p>

<p>That said, what has happened in the last couple of weeks or so, is that my son continues to get roommate requests, with a couple of guys going ahead and requesting him without contacting him first (so that it shows up on the housing website) and others just sending him emails via Crimson email asking if interested.</p>

<p>My son has tried to get in touch with these guys before just outright declining them on the website (he would prefer to thank them for the contact but let them know he is not in a position to accept their requests.) He sends them emails to the Crimson emails on their profiles and replies to those who have used the Crimson email to contact him, and in one case was able to talk with one via Facebook. But the ones he sends emails to at the Crimson address don’t answer (even those who contacted him via Crimson, though with the others who just submitted the requests, they may not even realize that he can see their emails on the profiles.)</p>

<p>Anyway, at this point, should he just go ahead and decline the requests? I know we are talking guys here, who may not be bothered at all by getting declined. Then again, maybe they would. I would think that those those guys who have not found my son’s emails to them, and so don’t know that he has contacted them, would go ahead and cancel their own requests given the timing.</p>

<p>I don’t know. Maybe better to just leave things alone. But I guess, since there is a limit to the number of roommate requests one can have, I don’t want these other guys using their roommate requests for my son, when he is not in a position to accept their requests anyway. Maybe I just need to stop worrying about it :)</p>

<p>On the off chance that anyone’s sons in here might have submitted a request for somebody, and has not heard back, please check your Crimson email.</p>

<p>Hi Chesteron. Kind of in the same boat right now. Given the timing, I would suggest having your son go ahead and decline those requests so the other students aren’t still thinking that MAYBE your son MIGHT still accept… It’s very nice that he has attempted to contact them and let them know his situation. Note: There IS a way to make your son’s profile no longer show up in the profile searches; I don’t however have those details at the moment, and I suppose it’s nearly a moot point now that the deadline is so close!</p>

<p>I think he should just go ahead and decline so they know to look for someone else. </p>

<p>Yes, thanks to you both. I just had my son submit the declines, and he updated his profile with a message that perhaps they will see. He will leave it like that for the next day. I am sure I was making more out of this than my son or even those other guys :slight_smile: Thanks again for the good advice.</p>

<p>There is a checkbox on the Roommate Search Profile screen that allows you to prevent more students from seeing you as a potential roommate. If you are satisfied with your roommate situation, unchecking this box will prevent new requests, and save time for the other students.</p>

<p>Hope this helps,

<p>Yes, thanks. I will have my son uncheck that box.</p>

<p>It just never occurred to either him or I that students would submit roommate requests for him without contacting him first by Crimson email or by Facebook (included that in his profile.) So perhaps others can learn from his experience.</p>